Money is an endless pursuit. Not that I need it all the time. Sometimes I just want to sit with my dog and have a beer on the porch. I mean, I did have to buy my dog, beer, and porch that I newly refinished. See what I am getting at here? I am here to tell you it is OK that you want certain things. You want expensive things. You want cheap things, in the grand scheme of things wanting at all can be a very invigorating feeling. Be aware that you want something. I mean I really want a Gunwerks HAMR 2.0 chambered in 375 Cheytac. All for the low price of $14,000. I have expensive taste yes, but the difference is I don’t ask daddy or a sugar momma to buy it for me. I will continually seek a way in order to pay for this gun and all the ammunition I want through products or services I may provide for someone else in return for any form of currency. Unless greed is used to hurt others, I encourage everyone to have a higher standard of life. Have a higher standard in all aspects of your life. This may not be your ambition. Think of a vehicle, home, watch, shoes or trip you want and fight like hell to get it. The object itself may not be important but the will and determination that you build in my opinion is worth more than what you will pay for a ROLEX or BENTLY you want. Blows my mind that people who have the means to buy expensive things still care about how they are going to be judged by their surroundings. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THEY THINK! Don’t let other define how you spend your money. I want everyone READING THIS to try this social experiment. When you say you want something, when you say you’re going to make a purchase, listen to what they say. Body position, how they look at you. Just tell them you want the most expensive thing. Tell them money is not the issue. Small things, not like a castle, just for the experiment. If you want the castle then go for it, but just for this realize what everyone around you is doing. They will do the same thing, look at you funny, will feel like judgement, tell you don’t do it, tell you it is too much. I am telling you buy the most expensive thing that you are willing to work for. You want that $300 dollar watch, fuck ya go get it. I am on your side with the things you want because I know that when you make the purchase you will not starve because you just showed me that you are not afraid of wealth. You are willing to work and willing to overcome whatever obstacle necessary. Bangov Actual Out!
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