Tag: work habit for students

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Incentives..they just work. Think of how you used to procrastinate in school. Assuming you did and we’re not a straight A student. A lot of us remember procrastination. Procrastinate is defined as: delay or postpone action; put off doing something. The incentive to work has nothing to do with the definition of procrastinate. It was only the night before you made the decision, or something motivated you to study for 3 hours and possibly get a passing grade. So what was it that incentivized you? You had put yourself in that position to either pass or fail. Well then what if you were to position yourself that way with other things. Not saying to procrastinate, but maybe apply for that job that might bring you to the next level. Applying and people asking when you’re available might start a fire. These things always seem small, like taking money from a bank in order to start your own business. Or just applying for that dream job that you’ve wanted for a long time. Incentive is defined as: a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something. Just keep in mind to create your own incentives through life. Start small, not saying you have to go bungee jumping day 1. Or skydiving next week. Just do it at a gradual pace and in time you’ll start to develop your own pace. Do things that even scare you sometime and you’ll get more acquainted with how you as a person reacts. Learn to control that beast and you’ll become one yourself. Bangov Actual, out.


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Pay 100 For Every Excuse

Let’s say you pay 100 dollars for the gym a month. To some that is half your groceries for the month. Of course everyone has different priorities for what they spend their money on. When I see 100 dollars for the gym I think, I go to the gym 4 or 5 days a week. It is a part of me that I like to keep sustained in order for my mind to have an outlet. An exhaust system in order to purge unnecessary stress away from me. Keeps me sharp on other things I may need to do. Writing in particular does not just take the ability to write. You have to have something to write about. That comes from experience, comes from living. Day to day occurrences bring out what details are picked out. The details are written about, and you create motion. Motion creates motion. So when you think 100 dollars is a lot to pay for gym membership, then you just have put a limit of worth on your fitness, health, and stress. My favorite is those who buy certain pieces of equipment in order to keep them in shape. They spend money bringing it home thinking they will use it at home and save money. Problem is you’ve introduced yourself to a whole new discipline. Buying one piece of equipment, which can be anywhere from 10-1000 dollars. Ya, I know some of you have a piece of equipment you haven’t used in over a year because you don’t have “time.” Some bullshit excuse we’ve all heard before. Those of you who do use that piece of equipment get bored and want to buy more things. Maybe a dumbbell set, some bands, kettle bell, and before you know it you’re at 2 months of membership fees. Not too bad as long as you use it. When it comes time, you’ve thought well if I just get a small home style gym, I can just workout at home. Of course I understand this for those who do not live close to a gym. If you have to commute 20 minutes to a gym then time becomes a factor and even I don’t care to drive that everyday for the gym. I like to keep it under a 5 minute drive if I can. 10 min max, or at least one that is near my work so I just go after. Then, comes the moving day and you end up selling all your gym equipment after owning it for only 2-5 years. Luckily it is still in good condition considering you barely used it. Let me tell you this, it is awesome paying 100 dollars for the gym a month and having 50-100,000 dollars worth of equipment that I don’t have to move, or maintain. Plus classes now, and even a place to shower. The big things that I see with people struggling to keep in shape is that they lose sight of the fact that the absence of people from your daily routine tends to make the experience lifeless. Not saying I like 1000 people at the gym when I go, but I do enjoy like minded people around me with the same goal in mind. To get in shape, be healthy, happy and then get the fuck on with life. Gym doesn’t have to be a marathon every time you go. I tend to focus more on going everyday and getting a sweat, more than completely exhausting myself. It’s about maintaining a level of fitness. For some, you may see that cute girl or guy, for others it is keeping a part of yourself in check so that your health doesn’t become an issue. When people let their health be an issue, it tends to be their excuse for everything else. Don’t be that person who makes excuses for not moving forward. Solutions are a state of mind, and some are only 100 dollars a month. Bangov Actual, out.

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Fight Back And Win

So something that does tug on the heart strings a bit is human trafficking. It has been something that has rattled in my brain for the better part of a decade. As Bangov Actual I can’t think of a better cause to combat than the right for individuals to live their own lives. Free from those keeping them from their way of life. Task forces created to keeping demonic people from those who can not defend themselves from a life of slavery and fear for their lives. If you or someone has had to deal with this personal hell, then my advice to them is to always remind themselves that from once you came you can move forward. You’ve escaped, and now it is only time for you to focus on what you do next. Whether it is to establish your way of life and fortify in a way where you can begin to rebuild your life anew. Where you are from, makes no difference. Just by surrounding yourselves with family, friends or even those who may be able to show you a different way of life that is more than you could have dreamed of. Start with building blocks. Rising to the top even from what you may believe is a very deep hole. From this point on whether you choose to view yourself as a victim is up to you. For those who use this experience in order to tell themselves they can do anything, are those who will fight back and win. It will simply take time, and it will take more than anything wanting a change for yourself. No one can give it to you in a pill, or a bottle. There is no quick fix for your rebuild, as long as you want it, just take the time and you will be amazed at how far you may come. You have already been through hell, everything else is just an inconvenience or obstacle. Bangov Actual, out.

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A Little Criminal

We say criminals like it’s a non-human entity that needs to be extinguished. When we think of small crimes, rolling through a stop sign, being in between the intersection when the light turns from yellow to red, not being able to sell alcohol without a license, not being able to do anything without permissions paying something to the state, while paying state taxes for the ingredients. Of course taxes are a big one, but taxes are not the purpose for this blog. The discussion of what is criminal goes back to what people tend to bitch about based on their perception of how the world is supposed to run. I agree just to be clear that murder, and destruction of private property should be illegal. Does that mean it doesn’t happen? Criminal is defined as: a person who has committed a crime. Has nothing to do with what law you have broken, big or small offense you are put into the same category as everyone else that has killed or burned someone’s house down. Laws/ law is defined as: the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. Now I wasn’t around when these laws were put into effect, and as well to recognize is defined as: identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again. Of course I may be nit picking here. Some are ok with this as people tend to be accepting of things they cannot change. Or in which would take years to change and therefore not a good use of their time. Living in a world full of things that are not in your control is a perfect example of reasons to make decisions that may seem like a leap forward. Starting a new career, business or even just a new pursuit in bettering yourself. Don’t leave things up to the world around you. As a society we are bombarded with how we should act, by simple rules, regulations, and the less enforced guidelines put forth by those before us. I encourage all to step outside the box and demand more of yourselves as laws are not made to be broken,  it does not mean that they cannot be bent, steer clear of, shake, trick, avoid, dodge, or even keep at arm’s length. I encourage all to do the best you can within the means of law. Then again I will leave that up to you and your pursuit. I can’t be the one to know all backgrounds and those who you’ve accepted as your mentor. All I can do is to encourage that your pursuits do not keep others from theirs. Bangov Actual,out.

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Hard Questions, Hard Answers…Definitely A Sex Joke.

Ask your partner the hard questions, talk about the difficult stuff. You know who takes out the trash, where the kids are going to school, what type of starch to use on the shirts. Nothing changes in the development between yourself and the development between you and your significant other. If it might be awkward, if it stirs the pot..ladies and gentlemen, STIR THAT FUCKING POT. The subtle conversations that may make both of you go on edge is not a bad thing. You train hard for something that you are trying to be proficient in. That means putting each other through hard situations or even just as simple as asking “honey, do you like it in the butt?” or Sweetheart, what about a 3 some?” It is all a matter of discussion. Fear is an incredible motivational tool. Just be sure not to make drastic changes that both of you are not on the same page. It is OK, talk with them about what it is that is your kink. Sex aside, but not for long, do either of you have a career change? Of course we all have responsibilities, kids, cars, house, bills, bills, bills, that’s a Destiny’s Child shout out. Gentlemen you’re under the impression that she loves and cherishes you for you, but momma don’t want no scrub. So be honest? Honest is defined as: free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere. Which of course is the societal norm, but as well be bold. Bold is defined as: (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous. OR (of a person or manner) so confident as to suggest a lack of shame or modesty. Shame is hard to overcome, but if you want what you have to last, or at least if you want it to be something of great worth you are to be bold in how you treat each other. Slap each other on the ass, grab and kiss whenever you want, sneak in on them in the shower, and above all don’t be afraid of showing them any and all emotions that will bring you both together. Shame is defined as: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. This is a very open emotion that he or she may feel when discussing how your partner may want to be with you. So be understanding about what each other wants. Remember you’re both individuals, as wanting something sexually is the same as wanting oatmilk in thier coffee instead of regular milk. You make these adjustments even though they may make you feel uncomfortable at first, may just make you feel something else after the fact. Where you want to live, where you want to work, bills need to be paid, but as well seeing someone you love unhappy may not be worth that sports car or manicured grass. These I hope are all things that as couples can be discussed in order to rid yourself of your shame and invest in your individual pursuits. Bangov Actual, out.


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We’re All Brainwashed

When you’re in a daily rhythm for days it is easy to quit. The feeling of not going to the gym, taking vitamins, or even simply having sex is easy to not do anymore….OK maybe not sex, but this of all the things you have quit doing for some reason, or even no reason that you can think of. You just stopped brushing your teeth, shaving, combing your hair, wearing pants, eating healthy, saying goodnight, or I love you to someone. Very many things can be a part of your daily routine and some things you may pride yourself on. Like eating healthy or going to the gym. Just becomes a way of how you and other people view you, and what is important to you. Haha also a way that people can judge you as well. Fuck those people who judge others who have initiative. They are a dime a dozen and are just in the way. So don’t be afraid to schedule your routine. After a while you begin to be addicted with the results. Then without warning, something in your life comes up that throws you off a day. Could be anything, you had to work late for a big project. Life just crept up so you take a day off from doing your workout, or eating junk food. This happens, and it is important to know the effects it has on how we move forward. When you have been doing things everyday, and that one day throws us off just remember to be back on track tomorrow. Don’t overthink it, don’t haunt yourself with the repercussions. Unless you have a deadline that is the next day. Then just pick up where you left off. Endure and move forward with your pursuit. Just don’t be one of those people who as soon as one day is lost you stop doing all together. It’s almost as if you lose a part of yourself. You lose a part of your fuel that was keeping the flame within alive. You’re brainwashed. Brainwashed gets a negative stereotype by those who don’t believe in the same thing you do. This is a military veteran platform and cannot tell you how many times I have heard that in the military they brainwash you. NO FUCKING SHIT THEY DO. Brainwash is defined as: make (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. Systematic is defined as: done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical. If this worries you, then create your own plan, be methodical in how you’re willing to live your life. You do know that the military is a volunteer program right? Men and women from all over who are willing to adopt a common ideology all for the purpose of being a part of something bigger than themselves. Whatever your opinions of the military in general, I could give a rats ass about it , I’m not a recruiter. My job is to encourage you as the individual to dig down within yourself and find what you are willing to brainwash yourself in order to be a part of or even create all on your own. I’ve brainwashed myself for years because I believe wholeheartedly in what I am trying to create. Best part about it is I need others in order for it to become as big as I dream it to be. Dream, dream, dream, fight, fight, fight yourself in order to brainwash yourself into believing what I always knew to be true. Everyone has a talent. So brainwash yourself into an everyday occurrence that you identify with. Are you the runner? How about yoga? Or maybe you’re the one who does a line of coke before your steaming hot shower, hahaha you fucking animal you. If that offends you then maybe politics isn’t for you. Bangov Actual, out.


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Its Like Not Being Able To Reach The Remote

Can never tell someone what to do for the rest of their life. All you can hope is they will push themselves in order to find it. What’s sad is the amount of people who are told what they need to do in order to find what they want, and they simply just nod or shake their head. I haven’t even given them a specific task. Or I give them one as an example and they just simply do not want to put in the work to be happy. I’m under the impression most people choose to be miserable, that is why when I see poor people telling rich people what to do with their money I laugh. It gets me every time I see people on TV. Don’t really watch much television but then again that’s usually what people are screaming about on the news. How the rich don’t help enough. Has nothing to do with those who are rich. Usually when you tell people get rich quick schemes they are super excited, but when they realize work is involved they realize it’s just not as quick as they want it to be. Or even if they hear from another that ” if you’re not happy then just quit.” Welp people it has nothing to do with even happiness. Happy is defined as: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. What most are unaware of is another definition of happy is: fortunate and convenient. So when any slight deviation from what could be a disruption of someone’s entitlement, the inner bitch, moan and complaining comes out. People are happy in 2 situations. When they are given something as a present. It is an instant happy moment out of convenience that they did not have to buy or even think to get it. The other is at the end of hard work and seeing the finished project or even the aftermath of what their work has accomplished. Problem is those who don’t want to do the work in order to get to the happy place. They will be miserable or go do something of a lesser significance, like video games or watch TV in order to get some of the happy feeling in order to avoid what may be some version of work, or effort. You can either be miserable and choose to find the happy times in between, or you can be happy and the miserable times will find you. As always, it is your choices that lead you down the path you intend to go on. Bangov Actual, out.