When you think of saving children from burning buildings, sex trafficking, bad home situations. Just know the incentives are low. What I mean by that is thinking of all the ways the government makes money, printing money or taxing citizens is the only way that government is profitable. Government sells the idea of where money goes in order to justify taking money from you. Could be anything from the Green New Deal, or giving money to a country to fight a war we may have nothing to do with. They show you a few battle scenes, some kids crying, dead bodies and having no idea what the context of the images or videos are people will angrily shout at politicians that they should be either funding Palestinians, or Israel. Not knowing that weapons are provided to both sides. As soon as a war is won, it is no longer profitable. Fighting has to continue to happen in order for money to continuously flow.
When it comes to the rescuing of children, you have to ask where the incentive is. It is not enough for some people that they may be doing the most notable good that could be done by another human being. Just the world we live in when I say that saving children is a good thing, just know you will be challenged in your thinking when mobs of people say they will come for your children. RELAX, this is not to target LGB community but if the shoe fits then shove it up your ass because anyone who is in agreeance with saying they will come for children will get what is coming to them real soon.
Arizona is not across the globe. It is right here in America. Another Example:
This video below I would like to have you pay special attention to. Right away Amar Ghandi states in this video that they are “targeting buyers.” This of course will only chase the problem and put no real strain on the market. Kind of how the “drug war” only puts people with drug addictions in jail, rather than making it easier for citizens to use deadly force against those pumping streets with drugs. Of course, I put no blame on law enforcement for this, but this kind of mentality is why band aids on bullet wounds exists. Or as Medium.com states:
“Government regulations often act as band-aids for societal issues, addressing the symptoms rather than tackling the root causes. While these regulations may provide short-term relief or appear to create immediate changes, they often fail to address the underlying beliefs and systemic issues that give rise to these problems in the first place. This misdirection can lead to a false sense of progress while the actual issues remain unresolved.”
Again, I cannot with full confidence fault law enforcement agencies for being under the rule of those who may seem to have an incentive for this kind of behavior to continue. For Example:
When you think of VIP, maybe it is just a section you sit in at the club. I will admit pedophile sex ring is not what goes through my head. Apparently, it is what is needed in order for politicians, military officers and tech executives to get their freak on. Now this article doesn’t specifically contain pedophilia but is it hard to think these people could branch out. (Article here)
For crimes against people’s basic fundamental right of freedom. Just remember, evil exists, it is not what you see on TV. What I can’t get my head around is how to make this profitable. Unless there is a rich parent willing to pay for operators to go get his or her child back like in the movies, the pursuit is going to be as fast as molasses to put a real dent in criminal organizations selling kids. The profit for their services as slaves is why it continually grows. Then the opposite for their release must be in order to see a growth in putting a stop to it. We have become so complacent on knowing our neighbors, and being active in our communities that these kinds of people could move into your neighborhood, and you wouldn’t even know. What is worse is a large majority don’t care to do anything. Bangov Actual, out.