I try to find as short of videos as possible. For simple lessons and easy to understand topics. For some this may be a refresher, but for a majority of our youth just be honest because I know they have not been teaching civics in schools for at least the past decade. Just remembered you are put in school to be indoctrinated, and to fall in line with the working class. I have stated before that death and power are the only 2 roles of government that make any sense in order for the government to exist.
Strongest military in the world and taxes we are believed to not be able to argue. What if a large majority were to stop paying taxes. Or just stop filing in general. This is just simply a question I would like answered. Not saying you should. Is it wrong to ask the consequences of your actions? If 100 million people just decided, they would not do it. Would everyone be arrested? I have no idea.
What I will tell people to do is look around at the world you live in and look where changes can be made but because of some ideological, or social pressure you continue to pay for this, vote this way, raise your children or listen to people who may know even less than you do. Could be a teacher, politician, or even the guy fixing your car. I am not saying to be rude either. ASK QUESTIONS! I know some of you probably think it is more hassle than just handing money over. In some cases, yes. If whatever you bought cost 5 dollars, just remember though, it could cost $2.50, you are just paying more for nothing. Compliance is defined as: the action or fact of complying with a wish or command. Complacency is defined as: showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. Coward is defined as: a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Working for someone you can be compliant and complacent, but never be a coward. Bangov Actual, out.