Tag: company growth stages

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It Comes From Within

Caught between a rock and a hard place. When schedules tend to build up and day becomes more and more busy, it’s almost like breathing through a straw. Swimming laps, and you are in between 2 brick walls. Any break in your form and you chip a nail, sprain your wrist or WORSE, can’t complete your flip turn…but I digress, those who are trying to make things work by filling your schedule are not doing it through keeping busy. Focusing your efforts is something I myself have struggled to do for a long time. Problem is I still continue to do it. I just want to do so many things in life, for many years I have tried to tackle different pursuits in order to make meaning out of life without really having one that I intend to focus on and really define it’s true worth or purpose for me to continue. I think I just answered your question of “what should I do then?” I’ll bet you already have had as few to maybe a million times in your head where you considered a pursuit in something, but just did not think it was worth your time or maybe was thinking “what if I fail?” Well newsflash you have already wasted enough time not following that in which you have been day dreaming about for years. At the end of your life will you be thinking of things you have wanted to pursue? Problem that people tend to have with the pursuit of happiness is the “pursuit” aspect. Pursuit as per the definition is the “action”, key word here, of following or pursuing someone or something. Pursuits are all we have to feel alive leading us down unknown or unexpected twists and turns. Choose one and go. When you choose to stop, that is your choice. Just do yourself a favor and do not stop because of fear or lack of motivation. Motivation which I have discussed before and yet has come up many more times because people think they have to be motivated in order to start moving. Motivation from this point on will no longer be something that I am in search of. From this day forward motivation will be created within. In the endless pursuit that is life, I will wake up, walk, talk, drink, eat sleep and even PISS motivation because it is something created within. This as well ties into your self reliance. The “need” for motivation should be developed from within. It is what is kicking and screaming at the door trying to get out. To rely on others for things you can produce yourself is like asking if you can have a cookie. “Are you still a child or are you an adult?” Think of rolling down a hill…just go with me ;on this, you’re at the top of the hill. When you’re at the top you get into a shopping cart and you have nobody else with you. You need to edge the cart near the slide and just jump in at the moment just before it leaves to gain speed. Just reading this far you probably have already said, “what about brakes?” What about this, what about that? You all already putting safety nets and things for you to ensure nothing bad happens. Just jump in and enjoy the ride, let go of the fear and know false senses of security are a killer of the human experience of adventure and what it means to know what you’re made of. Bangov Actual, out!


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Let’s Define Terms “Wisdom”

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise.

Let us take into account that those of us that have ever asked another for advice, knowledge on something or “wisdom” of some sort, some may have taken it to heart. Some have taken it with a grain of salt. To have information is instant nowadays, so what we must be cautious of is how this information is interpreted by each individual. Us a population have it in us to tell someone something we know just because we know the particular fact or stat that was told to us. So what does this mean when trusting someone, knowing them long term or not. This is something that I have said before, when i mention it is in your best interest when getting the most out of life, to Dig, Dig, Dig. Dig for not only the facts or stats, but dig for the interpretation of who is telling you this information. Can be your husband, wife, mother, father, daughter, brother. Interesting enough wisdom is not defined by being right or wrong, it is the “quality” as stated in the definition, of being able to  share with others your experiences and knowledge on a particular subject. How do we with so much access to knowledge, so much access to other peoples opinions, “wisdom”, how do we funnel and focus on what we need to, to make sure we are being to true to who we are? I have stated this before, and anyone that has ever read a self help book has the same “wisdom” thrown at them that the people you surround yourself with are the average of what you will get out of life. Those who are stuck, those who are in what feels like a trap of your upbringing. Go for a walk, go for a drive, swim, get out of the bubble you are in for even a moment and know that when you feel that sense of relief, pressure off your chest, breath of fresh air, go back inside and trap yourself again. Go back and realize you have so much more control over your own environment and the “wisdom” that you surround yourself with. Do that a few times a week and your addiction to that freedom will start to feed your creativity for expanding what is possible. Your mind will begin to create different pathways that were once foreign to you. That is how you create your own world by getting out of the one you feel so stuck in right now. Your 9-5 you may not like, your relationship you can’t end because maybe the lease is not up for 6 more months, (which is a piss poor excuse if you ask me.) Try and maintain a level of integrity for yourself in order to break away from a world that you constantly escape through day dreaming of being somewhere else. Your only excuse is that you will not take the necessary steps in order to move forward with your life. Blame yourself and move forward..Bangov Actual, out!


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This May Be Hard To Hear

No one is going to save you. Self reliance is a key factor in the game of life and being in charge of those pursuits in which make you a happy person. Being able to push through pain. We have all heard these things. Many motivational speakers tell those they have will, or determination that they do not know. The difference that must be made is internally. Relying on others to tell you what you are worth is a great indicator that you do not have enough respect for yourself. So why should others hear what you have to say. I am not going to tell you that you have what it takes to do great things. I do not know you! If you think you do then guess what, you’re headed in the right direction. Has to come from you, that you are willing to go the extra mile and not be afraid of that which you dream of. Like a volume knob get everyone and everything around you turned way down so that you cannot hear them. Listen to what is going on inside you and only you. You may have someone on the inside screaming and you cannot hear them because you are too busy listening to the losers around you or those who pretend to know more than you. Take some time for yourself, I promise the more focused you become, the more you will enjoy being alone and listening to the voice of your own eagerness to strive for better. Better car, better house, better things for you and those around you. I won’t tell you your worth it, because if you have any fight in you then you’re already telling yourself. I am just here to tell you to start listening to what is inside. You may not recognize yourself at first, it’s been a while through the many years you have been listening to everyone else on how to do things. The great save for retirement and be scared of harsh spending. Stop telling yourself you cannot afford something, or you don’t have time for things because you know yourself deep down how much bullshit is really between your fiction and the reality of your situation and how it can be improved. Run, scream, kick, and fight your way out of your reality to create a new one for yourself. Life as you know it now is all a matter of your perspective and having the ability to change all comes down to a single choice to commit action into your daily routine. Once or twice a day, not sure how many steps you’re willing to take a day, I won’t decide that for you, but tell me about it if you would like and maybe I would like to incorporate these actions in my life. Bangov Actual, out


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Sex And Business

No this is not a sex contract being negotiated. I do enjoy details of how individuals get to the specific act, but understand when dating that to treat it like business in a way that it is worth your time and money. Someone who may see things as you do can really intensify the electricity between instead of just the act itself. If within 20 minutes things have not taken off into conversation that is organic then politely leave. You have no obligations to this person you just met and should not feel bullied into thinking other ewise. Not saying you have to make up an excuse because that is all they are. The real reason of this is just not working out is perfectly acceptable. Tell the waiter that you would like to enjoy your drinks for a little bit and just talk. Be flirty if you are, or don’t. When women mean to be genuine they do expect you to have a way of being tactful in how you carry yourself. You do not have to be rude, you just have to have the presence that your time is valuable and do not want to waste theirs. If things start to take off and you are going to be there for a while, order appetizers, order a meal, whatever. Now thinking of this while talking across a table of attorney’s, accountants, bankers. Conversation should have the same level of attitude. I don’t want to waste your time and certainly do not wish to waste mine. Someone in the end may still get fucked, so don’t expect me to tell you how to close every time. Read the vibe, especially if the date is going well then you have all the time in the world to plan your next move. I understand the nerves and skills will come with time, but while developing them have fun. Also don’t give me the “what if I am Married?” Any chance your wife would like to go out for a night? Probably wouldn’t mind being spoiled for a night. I myself am not married but for the divorced women I have gone on dates with they have told me in the end the guy just gave up. Ladies!, moans, groans, bitches complaints, I am more than happy to funnel frustrations through my blog in order to reach those who may need a quick reminder of throw her on the bed, or when we have a babysitter, it is game time. You’re words ladies not mine. Positive outlooks on dates, as well as business is just one way to have the right mindset going forward, as always do your due diligence not to be cat fished, be present and take an interest in the situation you have both created, but in the end respect that someone has taken the time in order to get to know you and see what you’re about. Bangov, actual, out.


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Deadlines Are Such A Beautiful Thing

Putting a time stamp on things, has to be one of the best tools I have ever used. As well just fun in general to see how much can be done in a given time. Stop thinking of them as a way for your boss to yell at you and use them to accomplish things in your own life. Can be small of course, maybe get the house cleaned in a matter of a certain time and what is not cleaned in 30 minutes leave for tomorrow. God forbid you haven’t cleaned out the shower, it will get dirty again I promise you that. Just an example but this is utilizing time for you to do what you are passionate about and forget about the little things which in time you could hire someone else to do for you. Also stop bleaching every little thing ya fucking psycho. Put a deadline on projects for you to get things done for your own business that your boss does not know about. Hell I did it for years, and sometimes you just have to be selfish for yourself. Also what i mean by that is always be selfish for you, always look out for number one. Always see losers say they want to help people but never really have the ability to instill change over a given issue they care about. Deadline sections of success and see how far you come in a given year. Bangov Actual, out.


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When Did We Stop Dreaming?

This may seem redundant, and what a lot of people have said, but that does not make it false. Bangov was created with the intention of you as the individual coming into focus on what drives you as a life pursuit. Don’t think you have to have the answer now. I have many things I would love to do as a life pursuit, but you must do one first, before you can do the others. Don’t do all at once, pick one and push forward with it and see how it tends to build on itself. Worst feeling in the world is feeling like you are putting 10-12 hour days and not going anywhere. I am a true believer that money is a state of mind, and perception is reality, so take the time since you’re not doing anything else, to really focus and understand what gets your blood boiling. Focus on a want, even a small one and figure out what it takes to get it. Put your mind to it and think of possibilities that are beyond your normal. Everyone could spend a little more time dreaming. Bangov Actual, out.


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Stop Asking Teachers How To Be Electricians

When you want to learn something, what is the best way to go about it? Do you ask a teacher how to be an electrician? No you would ask an electrician. Interesting enough when a person wants to be something outside of themselves they tend to ask the wrong people the right questions. Leading them to be frustrated in to thinking that whatever they are passionate about is too hard, or with no direction they quit. Why is it the bigger things we want for ourselves the less we are willing to try, but only what we see to be attainable by someone else in our particular circle of friends, acquaintances, or even parents are all we strive for? If you enjoy the life that your parents were able to have that is fine, great even because you have someone you’re able to talk to that will help you get to that. What about those of us who had single mothers, or fathers, working multiple jobs to make ends meet. This is not a boo hoo moment, it is the reality of someone saying they want more than what their parents had. What is interesting is they think college is the way to go. Not saying don’t go, if you need to go to college then go be a doctor or lawyer. Why is college the standard for steps to take in order to do what you need to do to get where you want to be in life. Are we just seeing this and accepting it as the norm or do we actually know that college will get us there. Why do we ask teachers how to do specific things when it is not their profession. Make sure who you ask to teach you has done what you want to be doing. Do not ask someone because they have the mentality of I am older, I am wiser. Ask those who know what you want to know and know it more than they do in order to become a part of the game.
