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Sex And Business

No this is not a sex contract being negotiated. I do enjoy details of how individuals get to the specific act, but understand when dating that to treat it like business in a way that it is worth your time and money. Someone who may see things as you do can really intensify the electricity between instead of just the act itself. If within 20 minutes things have not taken off into conversation that is organic then politely leave. You have no obligations to this person you just met and should not feel bullied into thinking other ewise. Not saying you have to make up an excuse because that is all they are. The real reason of this is just not working out is perfectly acceptable. Tell the waiter that you would like to enjoy your drinks for a little bit and just talk. Be flirty if you are, or don’t. When women mean to be genuine they do expect you to have a way of being tactful in how you carry yourself. You do not have to be rude, you just have to have the presence that your time is valuable and do not want to waste theirs. If things start to take off and you are going to be there for a while, order appetizers, order a meal, whatever. Now thinking of this while talking across a table of attorney’s, accountants, bankers. Conversation should have the same level of attitude. I don’t want to waste your time and certainly do not wish to waste mine. Someone in the end may still get fucked, so don’t expect me to tell you how to close every time. Read the vibe, especially if the date is going well then you have all the time in the world to plan your next move. I understand the nerves and skills will come with time, but while developing them have fun. Also don’t give me the “what if I am Married?” Any chance your wife would like to go out for a night? Probably wouldn’t mind being spoiled for a night. I myself am not married but for the divorced women I have gone on dates with they have told me in the end the guy just gave up. Ladies!, moans, groans, bitches complaints, I am more than happy to funnel frustrations through my blog in order to reach those who may need a quick reminder of throw her on the bed, or when we have a babysitter, it is game time. You’re words ladies not mine. Positive outlooks on dates, as well as business is just one way to have the right mindset going forward, as always do your due diligence not to be cat fished, be present and take an interest in the situation you have both created, but in the end respect that someone has taken the time in order to get to know you and see what you’re about. Bangov, actual, out.

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Deadlines Are Such A Beautiful Thing

Putting a time stamp on things, has to be one of the best tools I have ever used. As well just fun in general to see how much can be done in a given time. Stop thinking of them as a way for your boss to yell at you and use them to accomplish things in your own life. Can be small of course, maybe get the house cleaned in a matter of a certain time and what is not cleaned in 30 minutes leave for tomorrow. God forbid you haven’t cleaned out the shower, it will get dirty again I promise you that. Just an example but this is utilizing time for you to do what you are passionate about and forget about the little things which in time you could hire someone else to do for you. Also stop bleaching every little thing ya fucking psycho. Put a deadline on projects for you to get things done for your own business that your boss does not know about. Hell I did it for years, and sometimes you just have to be selfish for yourself. Also what i mean by that is always be selfish for you, always look out for number one. Always see losers say they want to help people but never really have the ability to instill change over a given issue they care about. Deadline sections of success and see how far you come in a given year. Bangov Actual, out.

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When Did We Stop Dreaming?

This may seem redundant, and what a lot of people have said, but that does not make it false. Bangov was created with the intention of you as the individual coming into focus on what drives you as a life pursuit. Don’t think you have to have the answer now. I have many things I would love to do as a life pursuit, but you must do one first, before you can do the others. Don’t do all at once, pick one and push forward with it and see how it tends to build on itself. Worst feeling in the world is feeling like you are putting 10-12 hour days and not going anywhere. I am a true believer that money is a state of mind, and perception is reality, so take the time since you’re not doing anything else, to really focus and understand what gets your blood boiling. Focus on a want, even a small one and figure out what it takes to get it. Put your mind to it and think of possibilities that are beyond your normal. Everyone could spend a little more time dreaming. Bangov Actual, out.

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Stop Asking Teachers How To Be Electricians

When you want to learn something, what is the best way to go about it? Do you ask a teacher how to be an electrician? No you would ask an electrician. Interesting enough when a person wants to be something outside of themselves they tend to ask the wrong people the right questions. Leading them to be frustrated in to thinking that whatever they are passionate about is too hard, or with no direction they quit. Why is it the bigger things we want for ourselves the less we are willing to try, but only what we see to be attainable by someone else in our particular circle of friends, acquaintances, or even parents are all we strive for? If you enjoy the life that your parents were able to have that is fine, great even because you have someone you’re able to talk to that will help you get to that. What about those of us who had single mothers, or fathers, working multiple jobs to make ends meet. This is not a boo hoo moment, it is the reality of someone saying they want more than what their parents had. What is interesting is they think college is the way to go. Not saying don’t go, if you need to go to college then go be a doctor or lawyer. Why is college the standard for steps to take in order to do what you need to do to get where you want to be in life. Are we just seeing this and accepting it as the norm or do we actually know that college will get us there. Why do we ask teachers how to do specific things when it is not their profession. Make sure who you ask to teach you has done what you want to be doing. Do not ask someone because they have the mentality of I am older, I am wiser. Ask those who know what you want to know and know it more than they do in order to become a part of the game.

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Identify With Your Talent

I am a true believer that everyone has a talent. Your talent is your world. It is what people will see you as. Whether it is lying, rolling a joint, salsa dancing, or making up stories to the cops to get out of a ticket. Focusing on one talent in order to capitalize on it is what I would suggest for you. Take hold of something and know it is what you were meant to do. Only have this life to live so make it fun, or make it something you can make fun out of. By competition, or to change the industry. Create a world for yourself that is all your own. We are all looking for new inspiration. Some of us need to realize that others may be looking to you for the inspiration. Don’t think about what is on your mind, you’ll just go crazy because something is not coming to you. Open your eyes, use the world around you in order to give you a high def picture of what you want. Write it down, draw it, I suck at drawing so that is not an option. The extremes you go to may just get you out of your own head and help you create yourself anew. Bangov Actual out…

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This Will Get Ugly

You’re going to hit a wall. It will get ugly and this is going to be one of those lonely times I warned you about because it is going to be up to you to pull through. You have to search for the solution all on your own. Nobody will be able to help you in a way that you think. Ask for different perspectives, but know it will only come from you and how you proceed. Continue on with your vision or close up shop forever. What I am here to tell you about that dark time is that you do have a little time. Maybe a day, maybe a week, but stop thinking that everything has to be done, or solved in an instant. As well that kind of struggle ruins creativity, so be loose, take a deep breath and keep in mind things do have a way of coming together even though deadlines may seem tight or all odds are against. I can’t do this, I am not the right person for this. Maybe I should stop now, will always be in your head and you can’t listen to the voice when you want to quit. Train yourself to win…Bangov Actual out.


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You Will Feel Numb

The day to day will tend to make you feel numb. It will be hard, it will not feel like the “dream” you have established in your head. That is because you haven’t put in the ground work yet. You have to build the bridge in order to get to the other side. You want to establish your foundation first before you set foot in a house with a roof. That shit will fall on top of you so take your time building. Oiling your machines, ordering materials, writing down your thoughts. Do it right, and build it to last. That is your empire and you want it to last a few lifetimes so use the day to day in order to define yourself and what you’re doing. As well remember only you can make this time a negative. So be positive in your experience, be purposeful in what you are trying to create for yourself. Don’t care if it is a lemonade stand and you’re building it with your kids. Teach them how to scale, and grow a business. Take this time to grow with what you have created. For you top think bigger you must be able to put forth the effort in creating skyscrapers in your mind. You are the architect of your own world that you want to build so create, create, create. Dig, Dig, Dig, deep inside and do not be afraid to be vulnerable about what is going on inside. Put it out there for the world to see, Bangov Actual, out