Abstract is defined as: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Everyone may have an idea of what they want to see in a man and woman, but then they see someone else and they think oh that is another type of beauty that i was not aware of. We all have this, especially the guys, hell we ;designed to fuck anything in sight. Don’t really care how religious or “good” of a person you are. I say good because good can be defined as: having the qualities required for a particular role. So when someone says they are a good person it just makes me chuckle a little. Women are everywhere and as many forms of beauty as they can be in, their special powers still to this day come from the eyes. The way a woman looks at you can mean 2 things. In a close relationship, they are asking for approval. She is asking, “does he think I look beautiful, sexy, is he still attracted to me?” Or for women with a little more confidence the thought may be, “let’s see if he can handle this.” Either way ladies just know when you least expect it we are looking. When you step out of the shower, it does not matter if we have seen you naked before. We see you in your most vulnerable state with only a towel around you and your man has one thing on his mind. POUNCE, which is defined as: notice and take swift and eager advantage of a mistake, remark, or sign of weakness. Just know ladies your mistake was putting us in this situation. You’ve just stepped out of the shower, you smell like the garden of Eden or what we interpret an herbal essence commercial would be like in real time. You wrap the towel, and put your first foot out. Then the second one comes out. Now you’re in this situation where your man could be waiting outside, so you peek, just to be sure. You don’t see but you hear him. You are on a time table, you have to get the kids to school, get to work or make it to the grocery store before the rush. You just slip out in time to make it to the bedroom. Whew! OK he didn’t see you, still downstairs SO YOU THOUGHT. You just now realize you fucked up the moment that you turned the water off. That is what he heard and that is why he gave the kids a pot and pan to play with while you were in the shower. He is actually in the bedroom waiting, you just think…POUNCE. Ladies, we are big balls of testosterone and your goddess-like physique coming out of a shower is pretty much like a glass of whiskey, cigar and game all wrapped in a towel. We’ll bend you over the bed and don’t care if the kids are watching while they learn sex ed faster than they can scream and run out of the room. Just food for thought ladies while you’re questioning what we think, our job is to keep that lust alive. Although our vision of you may be abstract, it is also our own. Why we feel the way we feel, the way we look at you are all tied up in the intricacies that are you. Subjective is defined as: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. In all you mean to us in our day to day is why we sometimes forget to tell you. Or even why you would doubt it just seems as if you don’t know what is going on inside us. Bangov Actual, out.
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