Has anyone ever been through a terrible tragedy and said, “ I’m glad I kept my mouth shut about this.” I’m assuming not, I mean when something is needing to be said, we can only hope the heroics of one wil compel them to say “no, don’t, stop, get out of the car you have been drinking. Or, “you should leave before he kills you.” Or my favorite, “we probably shouldn’t do this without a condom, what if i get pregnant.” Is it ignorance? Is it a feeling of invincibility? Maybe, or some of us just need to learn the hard lessons the hard way. No matter what the consequences. Consequences is something I have brought up before. Won’t be the last time. Consequences are those we can look at as positive or negative.
Consequences is defined as: a result or effect of an action or condition. Nowhere in this definition does it say you lose a leg, get punched in the face, go to hell for eternity for my religious folk. For non religious people maybe you spend a week at bible camp. Talk about hell on earth. Consequences come in many forms, and sometimes can be a duration of a seconds, days, weeks, or even the rest of your life. For you to continue on through life negatively based on one consequence you have had to endure, then life is going to be very difficult for you. Just pack it up, move back in with mommy and continue your basement dwelling antics. Consequences are a part of the decision making process. Go left, get burned to death, go right, freeze to death. Decisions are “hard” for only one reason and that is the fear of consequences that may be faced if we are to fail.
Let me ask you this. If you were to fail and know that failure was inevitable in your pursuit of a better life, then why are consequences keeping you up at night? I won’t tell you everything will be alright, I won’t say it is easy, I won’t say it is going to all turn out alright because it is not my job to do so. It is your job to take it upon yourself as an individual and tell yourself these things. What I say DON’T MEAN SHIT if you don’t believe it yourself. It still to me seems odd that we don’t say things in order to keep ourselves out of trouble. From having to deal with consequences that have nothing to do with bettering ourselves. Just that keeps us from digging the hole deeper and making things harder for ourselves. If we are caught in a situation that has consequences. Life altering consequences that affect a lot of people.
We are expected as adults to know what to do in every situation. “Life experience” as some like to refer to it as. Well let’s say I am attacked by a dog while on the street. Dog comes out of nowhere, and I get bit, and people always ask well why didn’t you do this, this, or this? Maybe because I have never been attacked by a dog before and I didn’t care about the extra steak in my pocket to throw as he was latched onto my leg. So I start carrying pepper spray, a knife, or a gun in case it happens again. It is interesting how many people have told me they want a gun after the fact of being attacked. I always ask “ well why now?” They tell me, “because someone came and banged on my door and tried to get in, and I had my child with me.” Me: “why didn’t you have a gun before?” I know the answer but it gets them to think, and realize how vulnerable they are. They always confess to the thought of thinking it could never happen to them, or maybe they just were afraid of an object before it became clear that it could be used in a different way like saving their life. Positive, negative, offense, defense, we have to be put in situations a multitude of times in order for the knowledge of what to do becomes apparent to us. Some of us learn lessons the easy way, and some learn the hard way. Call it stubborn, hard headed, ignorance, but if I am attacked by dogs every day of the week, and am still alive, I may tend to get pretty good at it. Maybe have the street mapped out, have a couple juke moves, carry some treats in my pocket as deterrents. Same thing with any other situation. I have adapted to the likelihood of being attacked. Now with other situations we just have to think, how do I protect myself in this situation? I’m going out drinking tonight, don’t want to drive drunk, but you don’t want to spend money on an Uber. I’m not advocating drinking and driving and I am not telling you to spend money on an Uber. Are the consequences of killing someone, or paying for a DUI OK consequences for you.
Don’t think this post is going to save lives either. Even as advanced as people think we are, drunk driving is still killing half of teens on the road today. Also my demographic for this site is 18 and over but if this happened to be printed out and you just happen to read it to your son or daughter then that is on you but just make sure they know BANGOV is inevitable and to assess situations and think about consequences before making stupid choices. Also tell them they will make stupid decisions no matter what they do because being afraid of failing is worse than living in fear, and indecision. Don’t tell them what not to do, that is just lazy parenting in my opinion. You outsmart them and instill fear for decisions they are going to make by telling them they are an individual, and let them know mommy and daddy will not be there to help you when you are hauled off to jail. We will leave you there, we still have bills to pay, also I am not missing a day of work to unfuck you. My father told me that, was fucking terrifying. I didn’t drink till I was 21. True story. Hell, I didn’t have sex till…..eh ill stop there, but to recap we need to start looking at consequences just as the little things in life we need to change. Eating better, exercising, drinking more water maybe, easy on the drinking.
Consequences are embedded in every aspect of every decision we make, so as you define how you want your life to be, think of the little things as big ones in how you want to represent yourself. Bangov Actual, out.
Email Me: Info@ban-gov.com
Website: ban-gov.com