People still tend to surprise me, pay attention to those around you, no matter how small of an interaction is meant to happen, they may even inspire you. Can’t tell you how many times I have come from those I have gotten negative experiences from. Either rude, or just aggressive individuals. It is all just a rush of chemicals to the brain that may trigger different responses and give you new ideas. Positive interactions are great, but it is the negative ones that people tend to need help with. They either shut down, or don’t see a learning experience in the situation they are in just because they are mad, sad, frustrated. Still your responsibility as an adult to utilize every situation as a learning environment. People in my life, long term or short consistently give me a different insight into the world I live in. Giving me new ambition to see different parts of the world and gain an insight that may be lost on the majority of people that are not looking. We tend to confuse people as complicated. Societies are complex of course. We have seen what damage can be done just by simple misunderstandings. Only takes an individual to initiate a mob mentality. I hope to inspire people to take control of their own lives. It is how they react to a push back will define if they are to go the distance in order to make their lives worth something other than what has been deemed “right” or “normal.” Some are in it just to survive and I can’t blame them. It has been taught since the beginning of man, and I am not saying to go against that. I will say incorporate your dreams so that in the end you can say you flourished, not just existed. Of course even existence can be taken for granted. Breath, build, fuck, and fight all you wish. When that big ball of rock hurling towards us finally decimates, or when the sun blows up. what will be the next? Continue the same disputes that have occurred time and time again? Always was interesting to me how when you graduated high school there was an understanding that the past quarrels, or grudges that had kept two people apart were now laid to rest. So why don’t we have that now? After 30? Maybe 50? I mean grudges held for hundreds of years between groups of people, I mean hit the snooze button or wake me when you guys build a bridge and get the fuck over it. These continuous wars that never seem to end give me the impression that they need to continue in order for someone to keep getting paid? Government? Religious leaders? Who knows? Just know it is not a war I am interested in fighting. All this inspiration may or may not have come from a homeless guy wearing military camo, trying to sell me a bottle of water. Poetic, I know. Bangov Actual, out.
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