Reflection of past blogs, always good to reflect on past blogs to see how you have changed. All this bullshit of people being ridiculed for things they said 10 years ago. How about we ask today what the person thinks of these same scenarios. Not as if I am going to be the one to care. Say anything you want to about any group of people. Does not bother me any. Even if they were talking about me, it still wouldn’t bother me. I’m always told by people saying I have to care about other people’s feelings. Why!!! Why Is my opinion of any importance to those I do not know or have never even met. Seems as if a part of society thinks anyone who does not agree with you is a racist, or evil, or ignorant. To reflect is to see what has been said and how your perspective has changed with age and more wisdom. It is OK, you may have said some crazy shit when you were younger. That is OK. May have offended people, but that is all subjective. Understand that what you are trying to bring to the table is that people are either too afraid they will be ridiculed. To reflect is defined as: think deeply or carefully about. Think of all that has been said without proper reflection. Can’t tell me anyone who has a following has not said some dumb shit and regretted it. Whether they choose to commit to what they have said is up to them. Maybe they are catering to a specific pressure of a specific audience. You know like politicians always do to get votes. You either stand by what you said or maybe you’ve seen a different side of things. What was said was said, and words are cheap. Your actions on those words will show your intent and that is what I really look at when judging others. Bangov Actual, out.
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