Relationships are hard. No shit statement of the year right? Well, what about it is hard? As well to break that statement down. Hard is defined as: solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. We say this to ourselves as well as others who may be going through things we have already been through. Problem with this is we confuse even ourselves with the language we choose to describe the “hard” problems that we may encounter when wanting to share intimacy with another person. Intimacy is defined as: close familiarity or friendship; closeness. Which in my experience is what hurts the most when a relationship comes to an end. The familiarity of someone that was once close and close for a long time. When it is over, a part of you seems like it is missing. Constant reminders of what you used to be together. Whether the relationship ended on good or bad terms, familiarity is something that when broken. It is partly ingrained into our subconscious. Creeps, and makes its way into our everyday life and weaves a web that is just below the surface of the skin. Can tug on heartstrings at times. We have all heard that wounds heal but scars remain. I have plenty of scars and they have never kept me from feeling something for another. They definitely have set another standard for the next person I choose to create familiarity with. Relationship is defined as: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. We just discussed familiarity, so why is it that when people have established they are in a relationship and it goes wrong why have I heard from others that they feel trapped? Trapped in what, you’re in a relationship, not in jail. You have no legal or moral obligation to anyone who gives you a feeling of entrapment. Familiarity can be both good and bad. Just depends on who you choose as your partner and how long you’re willing to stay. I won’t pretend to know what someone has gone through being in a bad relationship. I have been fortunate enough to be around some pretty incredible people in my life and those who seemed to be dead weight I dropped or just don’t care for their opinion, because FUCK EM! Or just realized some were going off in a different direction. Only thing I can offer to communicate is that I do know what it feels like to be trapped. Not knowing where to go, what to do with yourself and wanting something more. Changes will always have to be made and will always need to be made with the intention of doing things for yourself. If you are not enough incentive, then maybe your kids, or whoever in your life is maybe dependent on you. People I have met that have not only been through rough relationships, I am happy to say you couldn’t tell given they have a heart of gold and it has not stopped them in achieving great things as well. Definitely have kept a spark about them keeping a positive attitude about things to come. When you or someone you know is in a situation where familiarity in any aspect of life, relationships, job, or just life overall is in need of a change, look to yourself and ask what needs to change. Drastic changes and distance have always given me a fresh perspective on what I have needed for clarity. Distance has given me the insight and independence to think for myself. Without realizing, it has given me the self reliance in order for me to stand on my own 2 feet. Creating distance from issues, people, projects incentivizes us to trust ourselves more and get us moving. Don’t worry about making it rain with cash day one, just get your head out of the clouds first. Bangov Actual, out.
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