Planning and logistics, to plan is to: the process of making plans for something. Which means work must be done, or action must take place in order for a plan to form. These things don’t just fall out of the fucking sky. These are times when you must become someone other than who you see in the mirror. Someone you have been afraid to be. To plan, or execute a plan it is to ignore your current emotional state. Rise above your problems and think “Elementary Watson.” I mean planning is just the beginning of what needs to be done. Since you have gone that far, might as well Forrest Gump it and just keep on going. Logistics is defined as: the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies. Devil is all in the details, you may have heard this, but the way I see it is people don’t car much for those anymore, which is why most of our shit comes from China nowadays. Doesn’t matter to me, I choose to buy quality when it matters, and when I need a throwaway spatula, I’ll buy from China. This is a capitalist and Entrepreneurial blogging site. Encouraging those to stop being reliant on the basis of one individual income. Not saying you have to. Just saying don’t bitch or moan because you expect your minimum wage job to support a lifestyle you cannot afford. You want a boat, well that’s a stream of income. You want a horse, well, ya gotta get one for that too. Make a list for the things you want in life and just attach one stream of income to each that you must create to pay for it. Any hobbies you may have, or maybe even just go out to eat all the time. Or dream as big as possible and have one stream of income pay for them all. This is not a direct quote, but Warren Buffet had 20 different investment ideas and dedicated your life to no more than 4, you would be a very wealthy person. So find something you want to dedicate yourself to, and you will never look at work the same way again. BanGov, to me, is not something I have to do. I could choose to close up shop right now. No more blogs, no more anything. Discontinue and just toss in the towel. Does not matter the investment, only money right? Time? Gave me some business experience, the creative process. Hell from one job to a higher paying job that is pretty much all we need anyway right? More experience, new skills, or tools to put on our tool belts? Swinging from one branch to the other to get where we have envisioned. Well problem with Bangov, it is not just something that I have wanted to gain experience with. Website management, merchandise sales, product management, brand recognition. Now as sexy as all that may be to put on a resume, the difference between that is I don’t want another job. BanGov is not a job to me, it is an identity. Ya that’s right I did a gender change. Whole procedure changed and everything. Cut my dick off and replaced it with a Rolex so from now on I am only attracted to those who will wind the clock back and are worth my time. (I hear a rap song coming on) I know what you progressives are thinking. “Wow, he’s so brave.” Wrong, bravery is defined as: courageous behavior or character. Me, I just do what I want, and don’t care to label myself as something that is below my expectation of the word. Once you identify as something people will expect nothing less than what standard you have presented to them. That “Bravery” will quickly become what you were put on this earth to do. Bangov Actual, out.
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