OK, for some of you this may be a change of pace for why you visit Bangov blogs. Not trying to get religious on anyone but when you have laid eyes on the forbidden fruit, you must expect a side of you to come out that you have been suppressing for a long time. As it nears, you can only hope for one thing. Please don’t be wearing a thong. If you haven’t caught on to the plot of this blog yet. You need to find a girlfriend. Who’s ass is like that of something you are willing to be damned for all eternity to touch. For my ladies, you have no idea how much power you have as a woman. We advertise life as a man’s world. Salesmanship as I have come to realize is the great Kansas City shuffle. As made popular by one of my all time favorite assassin movies Lucky Number Slevin. For those of you who don’t know it is the ultimate innuendo. innuendo is defined as: an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one. To simplify it is the ultimate phrase of misdirection. Ladies the beauty of your species can never be defined by a word, phrase, or simple meaning. Only way that the human race has ever even come close has been displayed by what a man is willing to say, not say, do or even die for a woman he truly desires. Love, pshhh love is a cheap word that is utilized in billions of dollars of revenue every day just so a man can express to a woman with ease in hopes of reassuring her that even though he took a glance at the waitresses ass last night, he has reassured her that she is still number 2 to his goals, ambitions, dreams, aspirations. Ladies, this is merely meant to communicate one man’s observations of women in the roles that they choose to play. Play being the optimal word. Even in the military the impressions of military training can not always tell the difference between real combat and training. Simulated stress is still stress. You combine gunfire, explosions, and physical exertion, day after day, year after year, you have the finest warriors that money can buy. When it comes to you ladies, men are put through the fucking ringer. Nothing is simulated, it is all real life. The physical exertion, the explosions, and even gunfire all happen inside a man who’s potential of making you happy is the only war he is thinking of winning. Training is the day to day of men trying to figure out how to win the battles you have placed in front as your standard for him to reach you. Am I saying make it easy on them, HELL FUCKING NO!!!, put that fucker through hell week, and if he is still interested, then you may have found someone that is worth your time. What drives me up the fucking wall is women who settle for losers, beautiful, smart, ambitious women. Even worse they reproduce with them and clog the fucking freeway. Seriously, the 10 freeway is getting out of hand. Never mind that, but ladies you have an innate responsibility and it is between your legs and to shut it to every man who does not live up to what you have envisioned as a man. It’s lonely I get it. It is 2022, Woman created the fucking game that men struggle so much to try and interpret. Seriously ladies, the amount of money that some men will spend to even have the courage to talk to you, dating coaches range from $60-150$ an hour, and then online profiles help. Speech coaching, it all adds up. Of course I am not wanting to say it is all about money, but of course ladies there is nothing sexier than a man with no ambition, or future goals, that lives on welfare…..with mom…gets me hard too. The misdirection of all this as I was describing previously is that women make up 70-80% of the purchasing power on all consumer purchasing. Think of your house, the only way this works if you are honest. Who had the most influence on the curtains, drapes, tile, wall coloring? Shit you cannot tell me that your man did not have some sort of influence from you on what house to buy or even the shirt he put on that day, and if you bought it for him you can fuck right off. Ladies again, you have no idea the power you possess over a man because historically you have been the best parts of our life, and our population as a species would not be double in size since the 1970’s if you were not already perfect. This blog was brought to you by the lady whose ass I was checking out in the coffee shop. You have inspired me, if not millions who may read this as you walked away.
Email me: info@bangov.com
Website: ban-gov.com