Writing to make things bearable. This is why I tell you to write things down. You can’t remember everything. Write down your thoughts, frustrations, goals, ambitions. Keys you have written down will open so many doors for you to embrace how much you’re feeling inside and will bring what is inside to life. I write to communicate. The mouth cannot regurgitate everything that the mind is thinking. It is fitting a super computer on a turn belt, Niagara falls through a straw, which is the same feeling when trying to piss while having an erection, so maybe poor choice of words, but let us move on from this. The mouth can only say what it is trained to say. Think of learning a foreign language, you must train linguistically through repetitive movement of the mouth. Your tongue is a muscle, just like your brain, but what needs to be said needs to be written down first. Accumulate all of your thought processes and analyze them over time. Those who say or do things today may say and do something different a year from now. For me the things I write to you are not only thoughts but the process in which they are expressed. These give me time to digest thoughts and emotions I would rather not express until I have further had time to consolidate what I am trying to communicate. Remember using big words does not make someone intelligent. Intelligence is defined as: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Everyone is intelligent in something, I have said it before. I believe everyone has a talent, and I love to drag it out of them in order to show them they are special in their own way and should utilize their talents in order to rise above poverty or even out of their comfort if they choose to do so. Bangov should be in all of our minds as a way for us to break through barriers. We do not dodge obstacles, we face them head on and on an occasion we step to the side for when shit hits the fan. We can all be intelligent in something, but ignorance is when you think you have it all figured out. I write as a way of getting all I have going for me and all I need to work on in front of me. With so many lock doors and so many keys, it is in my best interest just to keep putting keys into doors till some open. Those who are tired of problems, step into my world and welcome problems as a neurological strike to the brain in order to help you find solutions. Problems are defined as: a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. The need for whatever comes your way will inevitably lead you to a new perspective, as long as you stay positive, what you have in your mind will be all the strength you need to push forward in your endeavors. Bangov Actual, out.