Pretending who we need to be, to get where we want. To me everything is salesmanship. Only difference is I am not forcing customers to buy anything they don’t actually need. Bangov is not to take up space in your home, but it is for you to take with you everywhere you go. Confidence is defined as: full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing, or belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance: Bangov is for you to take along your journey of taking risks, daydreaming. Being confident in yourself when you need the strength to move forward. The belief you have in yourself of course will come with time. I didn’t create Bangov in a day, week or year. It has been my life’s work, a constant fear of never having enough money to do the things I wish, living the life I wanted. Never taking risks on love, thinking I have to be at a point in my life in order to live my life. Sometimes it is good to pretend. It helps us solidify the dreams in our heads and realize that the distance between having a dream and living one are only a couple decisions away. For the ladies maybe a dress you can’t afford, makeup and hair done, and OF COURSE let’s not forget about the shoes. For my gentlemen, nice suit, watch, haircut and shave. To treat yourself with things you wouldn’t usually have is just putting on a face of who you are inside. Problem is people usually retreat back to those whom they think they have to be to please others. Or worse, they don’t try to hold on to the dream for as long as possible. Believe me I understand having to make sacrifices in order to get to where you want to be. That does not mean the dream may stay the same. Dreams are evolving with time and experiences. Like a blank canvas you wake up to every morning. Just pick up the brush and start painting and see what comes of your motion. Have confidence in yourself, whatever face you choose to put on, brave face, tired face, angry face and trust yourself that you can keep going. When it has been a hard day, I quietly whisper to myself, Bangov. To me Bangov is something for all to hold on to when you need an anchor. Something when your mind is lost, you need something to ground yourself to. When you’re afraid of floating away, being forgotten, Bangov will always be there. As I am continually trying to make Bangov more accessible to others, through blogs, social media, some day an app which I am tirelessly trying to figure that shit out. I whisper because it is what I wake up thinking about, and what makes it hard for me to fall asleep at night. My hope is for all who read, that you will find your Bangov one day. To dream is such a beautiful thing, and to be lost in your dream is just another way to say you’ve made it a reality.
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