There is just something about making breakfast in the morning. eggs , potatoes, maybe some grilled bacon or sausage. Is it the food or the action that sets the mood for peoples day. Throw in some morning sex and you that is the breakfast of champions. Fuck Cereal. Then again cereal does not nag you about the lawn not being mowed and the garage needing to be cleared out. Yes ladies, welcome to the mind of a man. When misery sets in we tend to remember the simple things in life. Food, working in the garage, which by the way garages go through fazes, and ladies if your shit is in there too, don’t be bitching at your man until all your bikes and pottery shit is out of the way. I invite all couples dealing with household duties into my world of simply taking pleasure in the project of cleaning. If cleaning is a recurring problem for you then just remember the act of doing something, like making breakfast. Simple acts of starting a task for some will inevitably create a motion to finish what was originally intended. Like a business..see what I did there. Putting things off like cleaning the garage may be your biggest problem right now, but what about when it is finished. Continuously we evolve based on the situation we are in. As soon as the garage is cleaned you will think, “I have so much room now, maybe a gym, maybe a studio for my music, whatever your heart desires.” With that being said a project in my experience has never been a finished piece when it comes to organizing your life. Starting with your garage, it is a series of evolution that need to take place. We see the garage as a daunting task that is looked down upon. Even if we finish we think we still won’t be happy with the result. With that negativity it is no wonder that people don’t make the time to do it. What is even weirder is that we have this place, or part of what is supposed to be our home that is daunting to think about. What next? The kitchen, unfinished bedroom? Getting these types of things put back into order is all part of the construction of creating a productive and efficient household. Thankfully I have been equipped with the OCD complex of not liking things to be too dirty before I start working. Hahaha I clean dishes before I start eating what I just cooked. When it comes to dinner though I will maybe have a glass of wine so it is really not that bad. As well it just has to feel unorganized for me to start throwing things away I do not need or wiping down the office table. In fact if I have to look at this stapler I haven’t used in 6 months the walls will start to bleed. Ok sorry, it’s in the drawer, but now I know it’s in the drawer so ill get rid of it later. My business is all online, why do I need a stapler. Ok rant over. Understand the projects that in life you don’t want to tackle right now are not going anywhere. I only hope that your home is a place that encourages more perspective, and gives you ideas that come from a positive attitude. Go clean that garage, build some shelves, get everything off the ground so for cleanup all you need is an air compressor or leaf blower. Also stop saying that one or the other should be doing things. We all need help sometimes, especially the garage when all of you use it. Make it a family thing and finish in a quarter of the time. Any job can feel daunting when you think you have to do it alone. Bangov Actual, out.