What binds us to the life we are living now? Are we happy? Is that even a prerequisite anymore. To go through life does not have any means of a pursuit. You don’t have to have a college degree, certificate of achievement. Hell you don’t even need a participation trophy to get through it. Big misconception is that you need others’ approval for your life choices. I hope those of you over 30 would know this but in this day and age you just never know what people need to hear anymore. Don’t need your parents approval, your friends, you’re kidding if you think they know more than you. Release yourself from others expectations and create your own. I have some time on this earth and it has always made me wonder if right now, at this very moment am I in the right mind set. Do I have the right mentality to move forward? Unfortunately I have only a few moments where everything has been in sync. I guess I had it once, and now it is a distant memory. I will spend the rest of my life trying to get it back and make it as consistent as possible. The consistency we feel keeps us in motion towards our happiness. Ok maybe not happiness always. Even happiness can be faked. Progress cannot though. Happiness is what is shared between people. We’re social creatures. If you disagree, then I would like to know what your happiness is. Continue to build who you are, piece by piece, laugh by laugh, cry by cry. Those around you are not who you need to please. They are those who are looking for their own journey. Nobody really has time to control others. Usually those who try have no control over their own lives. So what does it really mean to be in control? Since by definition, control is to influence, or direct people’s behavior or the course of events. Of course it has a few others, just look ’em up, I’m not going to do everything, BUT let’s just focus on this one. Although I am the one writing these blogs in order to inspire people to take risks, and make something of their lives. Maybe I’m controlling. Eh fuck it, get out there and make something of yourselves. That’s me when I’m controlling. I push others to be something they are afraid of. So don’t fuck with me, or I’ll push you to do all the things your afraid of. You know, like aspire to be someone you dream of being, follow your passions, or even tell the world to go fu k themselves while you work on yourself and focus on your happiness. Don’t focus on control. Experiment, enjoy the embarrassment. Bangov Actual, out!