Can never tell someone what to do for the rest of their life. All you can hope is they will push themselves in order to find it. What’s sad is the amount of people who are told what they need to do in order to find what they want, and they simply just nod or shake their head. I haven’t even given them a specific task. Or I give them one as an example and they just simply do not want to put in the work to be happy. I’m under the impression most people choose to be miserable, that is why when I see poor people telling rich people what to do with their money I laugh. It gets me every time I see people on TV. Don’t really watch much television but then again that’s usually what people are screaming about on the news. How the rich don’t help enough. Has nothing to do with those who are rich. Usually when you tell people get rich quick schemes they are super excited, but when they realize work is involved they realize it’s just not as quick as they want it to be. Or even if they hear from another that ” if you’re not happy then just quit.” Welp people it has nothing to do with even happiness. Happy is defined as: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. What most are unaware of is another definition of happy is: fortunate and convenient. So when any slight deviation from what could be a disruption of someone’s entitlement, the inner bitch, moan and complaining comes out. People are happy in 2 situations. When they are given something as a present. It is an instant happy moment out of convenience that they did not have to buy or even think to get it. The other is at the end of hard work and seeing the finished project or even the aftermath of what their work has accomplished. Problem is those who don’t want to do the work in order to get to the happy place. They will be miserable or go do something of a lesser significance, like video games or watch TV in order to get some of the happy feeling in order to avoid what may be some version of work, or effort. You can either be miserable and choose to find the happy times in between, or you can be happy and the miserable times will find you. As always, it is your choices that lead you down the path you intend to go on. Bangov Actual, out.
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