When you’re in a daily rhythm for days it is easy to quit. The feeling of not going to the gym, taking vitamins, or even simply having sex is easy to not do anymore….OK maybe not sex, but this of all the things you have quit doing for some reason, or even no reason that you can think of. You just stopped brushing your teeth, shaving, combing your hair, wearing pants, eating healthy, saying goodnight, or I love you to someone. Very many things can be a part of your daily routine and some things you may pride yourself on. Like eating healthy or going to the gym. Just becomes a way of how you and other people view you, and what is important to you. Haha also a way that people can judge you as well. Fuck those people who judge others who have initiative. They are a dime a dozen and are just in the way. So don’t be afraid to schedule your routine. After a while you begin to be addicted with the results. Then without warning, something in your life comes up that throws you off a day. Could be anything, you had to work late for a big project. Life just crept up so you take a day off from doing your workout, or eating junk food. This happens, and it is important to know the effects it has on how we move forward. When you have been doing things everyday, and that one day throws us off just remember to be back on track tomorrow. Don’t overthink it, don’t haunt yourself with the repercussions. Unless you have a deadline that is the next day. Then just pick up where you left off. Endure and move forward with your pursuit. Just don’t be one of those people who as soon as one day is lost you stop doing all together. It’s almost as if you lose a part of yourself. You lose a part of your fuel that was keeping the flame within alive. You’re brainwashed. Brainwashed gets a negative stereotype by those who don’t believe in the same thing you do. This is a military veteran platform and cannot tell you how many times I have heard that in the military they brainwash you. NO FUCKING SHIT THEY DO. Brainwash is defined as: make (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. Systematic is defined as: done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical. If this worries you, then create your own plan, be methodical in how you’re willing to live your life. You do know that the military is a volunteer program right? Men and women from all over who are willing to adopt a common ideology all for the purpose of being a part of something bigger than themselves. Whatever your opinions of the military in general, I could give a rats ass about it , I’m not a recruiter. My job is to encourage you as the individual to dig down within yourself and find what you are willing to brainwash yourself in order to be a part of or even create all on your own. I’ve brainwashed myself for years because I believe wholeheartedly in what I am trying to create. Best part about it is I need others in order for it to become as big as I dream it to be. Dream, dream, dream, fight, fight, fight yourself in order to brainwash yourself into believing what I always knew to be true. Everyone has a talent. So brainwash yourself into an everyday occurrence that you identify with. Are you the runner? How about yoga? Or maybe you’re the one who does a line of coke before your steaming hot shower, hahaha you fucking animal you. If that offends you then maybe politics isn’t for you. Bangov Actual, out.