We say criminals like it’s a non-human entity that needs to be extinguished. When we think of small crimes, rolling through a stop sign, being in between the intersection when the light turns from yellow to red, not being able to sell alcohol without a license, not being able to do anything without permissions paying something to the state, while paying state taxes for the ingredients. Of course taxes are a big one, but taxes are not the purpose for this blog. The discussion of what is criminal goes back to what people tend to bitch about based on their perception of how the world is supposed to run. I agree just to be clear that murder, and destruction of private property should be illegal. Does that mean it doesn’t happen? Criminal is defined as: a person who has committed a crime. Has nothing to do with what law you have broken, big or small offense you are put into the same category as everyone else that has killed or burned someone’s house down. Laws/ law is defined as: the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. Now I wasn’t around when these laws were put into effect, and as well to recognize is defined as: identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again. Of course I may be nit picking here. Some are ok with this as people tend to be accepting of things they cannot change. Or in which would take years to change and therefore not a good use of their time. Living in a world full of things that are not in your control is a perfect example of reasons to make decisions that may seem like a leap forward. Starting a new career, business or even just a new pursuit in bettering yourself. Don’t leave things up to the world around you. As a society we are bombarded with how we should act, by simple rules, regulations, and the less enforced guidelines put forth by those before us. I encourage all to step outside the box and demand more of yourselves as laws are not made to be broken, it does not mean that they cannot be bent, steer clear of, shake, trick, avoid, dodge, or even keep at arm’s length. I encourage all to do the best you can within the means of law. Then again I will leave that up to you and your pursuit. I can’t be the one to know all backgrounds and those who you’ve accepted as your mentor. All I can do is to encourage that your pursuits do not keep others from theirs. Bangov Actual,out.
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