Let’s say you pay 100 dollars for the gym a month. To some that is half your groceries for the month. Of course everyone has different priorities for what they spend their money on. When I see 100 dollars for the gym I think, I go to the gym 4 or 5 days a week. It is a part of me that I like to keep sustained in order for my mind to have an outlet. An exhaust system in order to purge unnecessary stress away from me. Keeps me sharp on other things I may need to do. Writing in particular does not just take the ability to write. You have to have something to write about. That comes from experience, comes from living. Day to day occurrences bring out what details are picked out. The details are written about, and you create motion. Motion creates motion. So when you think 100 dollars is a lot to pay for gym membership, then you just have put a limit of worth on your fitness, health, and stress. My favorite is those who buy certain pieces of equipment in order to keep them in shape. They spend money bringing it home thinking they will use it at home and save money. Problem is you’ve introduced yourself to a whole new discipline. Buying one piece of equipment, which can be anywhere from 10-1000 dollars. Ya, I know some of you have a piece of equipment you haven’t used in over a year because you don’t have “time.” Some bullshit excuse we’ve all heard before. Those of you who do use that piece of equipment get bored and want to buy more things. Maybe a dumbbell set, some bands, kettle bell, and before you know it you’re at 2 months of membership fees. Not too bad as long as you use it. When it comes time, you’ve thought well if I just get a small home style gym, I can just workout at home. Of course I understand this for those who do not live close to a gym. If you have to commute 20 minutes to a gym then time becomes a factor and even I don’t care to drive that everyday for the gym. I like to keep it under a 5 minute drive if I can. 10 min max, or at least one that is near my work so I just go after. Then, comes the moving day and you end up selling all your gym equipment after owning it for only 2-5 years. Luckily it is still in good condition considering you barely used it. Let me tell you this, it is awesome paying 100 dollars for the gym a month and having 50-100,000 dollars worth of equipment that I don’t have to move, or maintain. Plus classes now, and even a place to shower. The big things that I see with people struggling to keep in shape is that they lose sight of the fact that the absence of people from your daily routine tends to make the experience lifeless. Not saying I like 1000 people at the gym when I go, but I do enjoy like minded people around me with the same goal in mind. To get in shape, be healthy, happy and then get the fuck on with life. Gym doesn’t have to be a marathon every time you go. I tend to focus more on going everyday and getting a sweat, more than completely exhausting myself. It’s about maintaining a level of fitness. For some, you may see that cute girl or guy, for others it is keeping a part of yourself in check so that your health doesn’t become an issue. When people let their health be an issue, it tends to be their excuse for everything else. Don’t be that person who makes excuses for not moving forward. Solutions are a state of mind, and some are only 100 dollars a month. Bangov Actual, out.
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