Isn’t it funny when people think you are weird, different, on a different level maybe? That from what I have come to realize is really just in response to the amount of time you have spent alone. Could be doing anything, thinking to yourself about what you like to do. Could be when you were a teenager, you liked being in your room, drawing things on your notebook, and reading books you may have kept from others to see. Truth is the intricacies that go unnoticed about yourself are those things that I would like people to take time in getting to discover about themselves. Always fascinates me about others when asking them questions about themselves, and I have mentioned this before but, stil i run into people every day who choose to research, or google celebrities. Height, age, career, status, relationships. They love to get into the nitty gritty of people but never about themselves. Favorite foods, favorite, music, future goals, ambitions. Back to my point though. When asking people, these could be friends or family, things about themselves they tend to either not know, take a minute to answer, or what I think is cool, is to have a memory that is connected to why they like a certain thing. That’s great! Your fascination with others who have what you want may just mean you’re finding out things about yourself that need to be written down. Write down who you are, may not even believe what you read the first time. You don’t have to be famous, or be a CEO to feel it is important what you are writing down about yourself. It’s who you are and having the confidence to say that you are important to yourself is a great step in establishing what you want for yourself because you deserve it if you are willing to work hard for it. Write down who you are so you can study and analyze where you may need to make improvements, it is your list, so only you can make the changes. Direct yourself to be the individual you want to be. Bangov Actual, out.