My patience with customer service people has increased….OK only a little it, but at least I am not screaming by the end of a 15 min hold anymore. Which in my experience has been happening a lot throughout these last few months. Not only on the phone, but in ordering processing, and I am aware of hold times, shipping, delays of inventory stock. Just a few things that can make days turn into weeks, turn into months. It is quite exhausting when you have a dream. It just never seems fast enough for that dream to come true. This is when you begin to make excuses, and you have to be aware of what you are doing when impatience sets in. I don’t have enough money, don’t have time, don’t know the right people in order for this to work properly. Well you are going to have to roll with the punches in order to be able to get through certain aspects of your pursuit. I had a buddy of mine build a house and holy shit was that a process. Some may say, “well that is not the same thing I am going through, that does not help me with my problem.” Lazy, lazy, lazy. I am not going to tell you every little aspect of what it takes for your dreams to come true because that is your dream not mine. It is your responsibility to know the ins and outs of what it takes to get to each level and beyond. Make every excuse you want, but until you just commit and keep going, no matter how slow or boring in the beginning it may be you will never be able to build momentum in order to make the changes you want to. Back to my story though, building the home was promised in 3-6 months, ended up taking 9 months. With the building itself, right before lumber prices had spiked, that was a set back for money to be asked for. Needing a shed to be built for the water pump because it could not be put underground. He built it himself just FYI. Then winter came and construction had to be halted due to snow. Not to mention all the permits that had to be signed before a well could be put in. I am not familiar with construction projects, but the fact that the state has control over that, BANGOV, but OK I have said my peace. The house ended up being built. With everything he and his wife could dream of for their 2 children on a plot of land to call your own. I am not saying your dreams have to be any certain size, shape, taste or fashion. What I will say is in the end committing to them and going through whatever hell need be to succeed will be worth it to say you did not just accept the life that you were born into. Do not care if you were born into a wealthy family either. They have problems, dreams and aspirations all their own so shut up about people having more money than you, better car, better house. They chased their dreams and are reaping the benefits of hard work and you deserve to do the same. Bangov Actual, out!