Tag: physial health blog

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Bangov Is Ever Evolving

What is Bangov? I could say it is an evolutionary standpoint that binds us all who invite themselves into the consciousness that they deserve better and want more out of life before they leave this world. Not to just be facetious, but I am not going to do that because it sounds dumb. As much as I would like to throw a bunch of words at you to sound intelligent, maybe some of you will even know what I am talking about. From a point of learning and going to others for what they are proficient in, I always like to begin telling them I KNOW NOTHING. When someone is willing to teach, in my opinion I have always been expressive in saying that I know little to nothing about what they are intending to say. Even in an applicable fashion, such as learning a skill or trade. Everyone has their way of doing things. All based on their interpretations of what was being taught to them is what they are passing on to you. If there are a million ways to skin a cat then, don’t waste time asking a million people how to do something. Ask one person, then ask another, and another, bend, tweak, and even create your own style of whatever art form you are trying to perfect. Be aggressive, yet open in your retention of knowledge. Listen, learn, interpret and ask yourself if you’re willing to commit action and devote your time. If not, be appreciative of the knowledge you have gathered and move on with your search for a pursuit. Bangov is consistent in what world it seeks to create, Bangov is not finite, nothing is 100%. Constant changes are made, always under scrutiny in order to adapt to any and all situations. All who read and share these blogs and the idea of what Bangov means to them, is all part of minor adjustments being made. It is easy to find a name. I write blogs every day, not too hard to find one word to embody the behavioral code which speaks to a large majority of people who want to feel like they have some sort of control over how they live their lives. (I am kidding obviously). Bangov is and will always be Ever Evolving. Bangov Actual, out.


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Accountability of one’s self may be the most important thing you learn how to manage. Discipline is defined as: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. I am not too sure I like this word. I’m not trying to get you to obey anything, as well as a code only you have set for yourself. Discipline I know has been overused by so many that it has lost its meaning. My goal for myself is to remain accountable for remembering what my goals are. Accountable is defined as: required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible. This to me feels less forceful for the individual. Not everyone will punish themselves when they do something against the original intentions they have set for themselves. Changing one word, we change the language and the intention. I don’t want you to punish yourself when you do something that is not conducive to your life’s ambitions. I am more interested in the things that get you to do them because you genuinely want to see the results. Kick and scream all you like. Someone telling me I have to kick myself for not conforming to what someone else is telling me to do when I am not even telling myself. You basically just have a person who uses you to see the outcome. Whether it works or not. Incentives work because they get you to do things that may seem hard to do at your own will. Being accountable for yourself and your actions leaves nobody at fault but yourself. Obedience is defined as: compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to authority. These words require actions I am not encouraging myself to go through with. Laws, compliance, submission to authority, Bangov has no authority over you because you encourage its presence from reading. Bangov only exists as it is welcomed. It is not forced upon you, no law requires you to read it, it is strictly sought out for a different perspective. I hope for myself and others a better life is expected through the pursuit of the individual, and will be met by those who truly find what they want and need to be happy. I am accountable for my actions, it is not by law, or fear of punishment that I am accountable. It is through the pursuit of a better life for all. I know what you’re all thinking, “what about responsibility?”…Responsibility is defined as: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone…I am not trying to control anyone or anything. This is Bangov for fuck sake. I’m just trying to get you to think outside of societal norms. That is the real brainwash if you ask me. Being OK, or even celebrating mediocrity. Bangov is and always will be a place for perspective…and while we are adding to the list, Perspective is defined as: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. Define your lives in what you choose to pursue. Focus on what you’re trying to say, hell say anything and decode from there. Bangov Actual, out.



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Path Of Most Resistance

I feel myself battling with all sides of me. What I could be doing. What I’ve dreamed of doing and What I should be focusing on. It is hard to dream and think that you could ever amount to what your dreams are because that is the point of dreaming. Stepping outside your own beliefs and having the confidence to commit to an ideal of yourself. You will probably feel as if you are running in circles as I have many times in pursuit of a passion. This is when you need to evaluate yourself. Really take time to write down, maybe say into a voice memo what you’re feeling right now. Yes feelings do matter, despite popular conservative slogans like, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” Which is true they don’t when trying to argue reason and logic. This is me trying to instill a passion within myself. Does not happen overnight and I am tired of people giving up when getting rich quick scams tend to not be what they imagined. Not so instant. You better be willing to work for what you want or just be content with mediocrity. Do yourself a favor and look at your lives today and just think 10 years ago was I here? If you have made tremendous leaps and are out of the situation you were in, great. Just realize that 10 years from now when you are better than you are now, you’re still going to want more. May just not be of a financial pursuit. As I have always told friends, money is inevitable. If you’re constant then money should come as you are inevitably going to keep moving forward with your life. Of course we have all felt backed up against the ropes with a mortgage payment, or a credit card payment. Hahahaha slap me with a 35 dollar charge because I can’t pay on time while I am trying to figure my way through this thing called life, sure go ahead. No big deal, and it is not a big deal but you tend to make it a bigger deal then it is. Everything comes down to you. Three things, What could i be doing, What I have dreamed of doing, and what I should be focusing on? Choice is yours. Do you want to follow your dreams? Or are you OK with the 2nd or 3rd tier in order to feel fulfilled. Of course, finding;g love, having a family is all important, but this is about you and I will SAY IT AGAIN! Help yourself in order to help the masses. Can’t help get anyone out of a hole if you’re in the same hole, or bigger. That is the interesting thing about paths of least resistance. Choosing yourself as a path when you’re the resistance. Bangov Actual, out.



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Just… Breathe..

So stress being the biggest bitch of all when it comes to wanting to work hard and play hard every day all day. We have to take a step back and remember we are human. The immune system is still a thing and we want to keep it strong, so aside from maybe vitamins and tea which I take and drink everyday, what are things that you guys do to keep the stress level down. Can never really get rid of it. Think of yourself as a teapot. Once the water boils it is time to turn it off or take it off the burner. What happens if you don’t? Water evaporates then you ruin the pot, and then your mom smacks you because you saw your favorite show on TV and forgot what you were doing. The point is stress will come in all forms or fashions and having a regular regiment of ways of relieving the stress is very important. Make sure you’re actually using the time to relieve stress. Workout, focus on breathing, meditate, and sleep is probably the biggest one for me. I have a cold now and my biggest pet peeve in the world is getting sick. I mean even more than hearing Alec Baldwin didn’t pull the trigger. Also a big one I am sure we all could do is maybe cut down on social media. I have a social media site, but in the pursuit of people’s happiness I would like to be an advocate for your physical and mental health. I tend to overwork myself, but understand that just like everything, persistence is not just in how hard you work, it is how you do what is necessary in basic maintenance to continue on. So grease up the hinges, tighten up the bolts, put coolant in the reservoir, whatever you need to tell yourself so that tomorrow is just another day and you’re in good health, so it is going to be a good day. Or like me and on day 3 of this shit cold. This is so dumb. Bangov Actual, out!