I feel myself battling with all sides of me. What I could be doing. What I’ve dreamed of doing and What I should be focusing on. It is hard to dream and think that you could ever amount to what your dreams are because that is the point of dreaming. Stepping outside your own beliefs and having the confidence to commit to an ideal of yourself. You will probably feel as if you are running in circles as I have many times in pursuit of a passion. This is when you need to evaluate yourself. Really take time to write down, maybe say into a voice memo what you’re feeling right now. Yes feelings do matter, despite popular conservative slogans like, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” Which is true they don’t when trying to argue reason and logic. This is me trying to instill a passion within myself. Does not happen overnight and I am tired of people giving up when getting rich quick scams tend to not be what they imagined. Not so instant. You better be willing to work for what you want or just be content with mediocrity. Do yourself a favor and look at your lives today and just think 10 years ago was I here? If you have made tremendous leaps and are out of the situation you were in, great. Just realize that 10 years from now when you are better than you are now, you’re still going to want more. May just not be of a financial pursuit. As I have always told friends, money is inevitable. If you’re constant then money should come as you are inevitably going to keep moving forward with your life. Of course we have all felt backed up against the ropes with a mortgage payment, or a credit card payment. Hahahaha slap me with a 35 dollar charge because I can’t pay on time while I am trying to figure my way through this thing called life, sure go ahead. No big deal, and it is not a big deal but you tend to make it a bigger deal then it is. Everything comes down to you. Three things, What could i be doing, What I have dreamed of doing, and what I should be focusing on? Choice is yours. Do you want to follow your dreams? Or are you OK with the 2nd or 3rd tier in order to feel fulfilled. Of course, finding;g love, having a family is all important, but this is about you and I will SAY IT AGAIN! Help yourself in order to help the masses. Can’t help get anyone out of a hole if you’re in the same hole, or bigger. That is the interesting thing about paths of least resistance. Choosing yourself as a path when you’re the resistance. Bangov Actual, out.