Day: February 11, 2022

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Accountability of one’s self may be the most important thing you learn how to manage. Discipline is defined as: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. I am not too sure I like this word. I’m not trying to get you to obey anything, as well as a code only you have set for yourself. Discipline I know has been overused by so many that it has lost its meaning. My goal for myself is to remain accountable for remembering what my goals are. Accountable is defined as: required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible. This to me feels less forceful for the individual. Not everyone will punish themselves when they do something against the original intentions they have set for themselves. Changing one word, we change the language and the intention. I don’t want you to punish yourself when you do something that is not conducive to your life’s ambitions. I am more interested in the things that get you to do them because you genuinely want to see the results. Kick and scream all you like. Someone telling me I have to kick myself for not conforming to what someone else is telling me to do when I am not even telling myself. You basically just have a person who uses you to see the outcome. Whether it works or not. Incentives work because they get you to do things that may seem hard to do at your own will. Being accountable for yourself and your actions leaves nobody at fault but yourself. Obedience is defined as: compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to authority. These words require actions I am not encouraging myself to go through with. Laws, compliance, submission to authority, Bangov has no authority over you because you encourage its presence from reading. Bangov only exists as it is welcomed. It is not forced upon you, no law requires you to read it, it is strictly sought out for a different perspective. I hope for myself and others a better life is expected through the pursuit of the individual, and will be met by those who truly find what they want and need to be happy. I am accountable for my actions, it is not by law, or fear of punishment that I am accountable. It is through the pursuit of a better life for all. I know what you’re all thinking, “what about responsibility?”…Responsibility is defined as: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone…I am not trying to control anyone or anything. This is Bangov for fuck sake. I’m just trying to get you to think outside of societal norms. That is the real brainwash if you ask me. Being OK, or even celebrating mediocrity. Bangov is and always will be a place for perspective…and while we are adding to the list, Perspective is defined as: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. Define your lives in what you choose to pursue. Focus on what you’re trying to say, hell say anything and decode from there. Bangov Actual, out.