Hello everyone, what a beautiful day it is. For all you writers out there, I am posting this in order to reach the community of entrepreneurs for their advice, knowledge, success stories on how they created a business. Would love to get this insight in how people make their way of life a reality. For so many it is a pipe dream and would love to bring this to light and have others who may be thinking about it some expertise from people who are doing it. Please send me anything you wish to share. can be as short or as lengthily written as you please. Some topics to help you.
What is your business/product and a little how you got started?
How many employees do you have?
How long have you been in business?
Advice for others, some mistakes or missed opportunities along the way?
How did you start to fund?
What is you background experience?
What research did you do prior?
What research did you do prior?
Always looking to help the community out with knowledge from others.
Thanks everyone!