Be wary of those who act irrationally when their way of life is challenged. We’ve all seen the “triggered” or the “offended” bunch. Understand that reactions like this are not specific to any political group. It is solely based on the individual and how they react to each situation, or phrasing of a question or comment. Republicans, democrats are all in fear of intrusions into their way of life. Think of school children, and when standards of a classroom, or rules are enforced, or at least teachers try to, rebellion is inevitable.
Rebellious acts of paper airplanes, spit wads, and even the occasional outburst of anger in a classroom when a child deems a teacher is too weak and full of shit talking about how they may need this in the future. Well not much has changed since grade school. We all stare at our bosses, sizing them up and seeing if they are fit to lead. Instead of spit wads and paper airplanes, it’s a relaxed dress code and 15 smoke breaks a day. Rebellion is defined as: an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler. OR : the action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention. Doesn’t have to be of government authority, but it is very simple that when someone’s way of life is inconvenienced by another or even imposed on, don’t care which side you’re on. I’ve seen both sides become erratic, violent, and emotionally “triggered.” I can only hope to surround myself with people who against even extreme stresses are able and willing to have a conversation in order to break through emotional barriers and speak as if they wanted a solution, not just wanted their way. As I have said in my previous blogs, when 2 opposing forces have their ways of life, and can no longer come to an understanding or resolution, then the only other alternative is war.
To avoid this you must verbalize what you want, whether it be against an opposing force, or even with your significant other. If the other is not OK with your way of life and is not willing to allow it to continue, then war is inevitable. War is defined as: a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state. OR a state of competition, conflict, or hostility between different people or groups. The definition less heard about war is: a sustained effort to deal with or end a particular unpleasant or undesirable situation or condition. As individuals I can only hope that we all can sustain the fight within ourselves, to better ourselves, treat others with respect, and fight our own “triggers” with a simple conversation. Bangov Actual, out.