You ask someone their opinion about something, they say it sucked. Probably don’t ask that person about it. Ask someone with a more positive outlook on how they have had a good experience with what you may want to pursue. Can’t tell you how many people have told me that I should be investing in something that has no knowledge on the subject whatsoever. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Entitled is defined as: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Not sure who is giving out these entitlements but just as a flooded market, quality tends to suffer. Too many opinions on what someone else thinks about something can just be a way to talk yourself out of something you might really enjoy doing. Some things in life you can’t ask anyone’s opinion on, you just have to go do it for yourself. You may enjoy it, you may hate it. At least you have your own experience to go off of so nobody can tell you what you already know. For others to feel entitled is the “belief” that their opinion matters. They may have been told about something to invest in. They may have heard a friend talk about it. They may have even watched the news and heard it, now they become experts in the field of something they have never done. With a sense of entitlement, it never really stops at just your opinion. Entitlement feeds into other aspects of people. Arrogance, low self esteem, lack of ambition. People can talk for days about how they feel about a situation, but when the bullshit runs out, you’ll be able to see people for how full of shit they really are when they are not where you want to be. Everyone is entitled, so be careful. Bangov Actual, out.
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