Bangov is the long term investment that we all crave. It is what keeps you up at night, and keeps you in a staring contest with the wall and asking where do I go next. Bangov is my bangov, obviously. It was created will the soul purpose of inspiring others to find their individual pursuit, life’s ambition. Could be multiple ambitions at once, no rules on how many you can have. The goal is to be in search of something that you push away other things in order to make what you have dreamt a reality. Can be a fancy car, big house, or a beat up truck out in the woods with a house and shit ton of land. Whatever your vision is for your life, grab every detail you can and do whatever is necessary to bring it to fruition. Fruition is defined as: the point at which a plan or project is realized. So when that plan or project has come into focus, you a lot a majority of your time putting things into motion. I can’t tell you what that is, I wish I was able to know what everyone’s life pursuit is, but this is based on the pursuit of the individual. You will tend to feel your regular activities slip away,you may not go out drinking anymore. Sex may seem dismal….ok sex is still great, I can’t lie about that, its sex. Partying will seem like a waste of time, a time killer for those who are still searching for what they wish to do. I will continue to write these blogs until my focus is elsewhere. I hope to write them for a long time to hear others’ success stories. Just takes time, and if you’re not wanting to do it for the rest of your life then you haven’t dreamt big enough. Plan out your life according to your dreams. Bangov Actual, out.
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