Nothing is 100% until it is. Don’t be waiting at the finish line and turn around to see if anyone has caught up with you. Take your Victory lap the same speed to make sure nobody ever catches you. All in an instant the gold can be taken from you because you were worried about someone other than yourself. Doesn’t matter if someone has caught up with you or not. You know how much you have trained for a run and when you have come to the finish line if you have out worked everyone else. Also life does not end when you get the medal. You’re in a constant state of motion because you must be in motion to get anywhere in life. Don’t care if it is across the world or across the street. Especially when trying to communicate what you want in life, don’t half ass your efforts or else you’ll never reach even 50% of your goals. Tell yourself you’re going to clean your house today. Same logic applies for you to invest that time in yourself. You go through the motions in order to get trivial tasks done, trivial is defined as: of little value or importance. So why not make the decision to find 3 important things in life to put into the same motion. Just like going to clean your house. Start somewhere. Doesn’t matter where, just get in motion and see what gets accomplished throughout the day. Try starting with the most daunting task, laundry. Or warm yourself up, get into the rhythm and you will do it while not even realizing it is work. Nothing is 100% so Start at 10% and just make sure 100% is on your mind. It’s all in your mind, effort cannot be measured, so start somewhere and find your own rhythm. Rhythm is defined as: a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. Start with something you know how to do, then transfer that energy to something unknown and learn as you go. Also do it everyday, don’t care what it is, results will vary so just do what you enjoy. Giving something 100% is not a day one thing. Building your empire is your life’s pursuit of self sacrifice. Bangov Actual, out.
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