People have asked what Bangov is about, as always I tell them it is a push back on government overreach in order to stimulate economic growth through entrepreneurial means. Then they ask what is the difference between your agenda and the governments. Of course it is always labeled as the anarchist group. Nope, I have already explained that it is not about that. A better way to describe it is when they have asked what is your “agenda.” Now “agenda” is defined as: a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. Or the underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group. My ” agenda” is simple. For the government to be irrelevant in people’s decision making in order to better their lives. Government holds no solution for you. It has its place in society and should be utilized as a necessity, not as a solution for complex societal problems. The biggest difference is that government has never implemented any sort of action as a solution for any problem that does not mean death or power. Nazis were a problem, send millions to fight and kill. Yet the “drug war” is to this day a laughing stock of an effort for the government to implement some sort or false sense of security that it has any control over what is going on. I could buy Marijuana from a 5th grader when I was going to school. Government does not have control over anything except you as an individual thinking that they are in your way of making a better life for yourself. Don’t worry, they will not come and get you for becoming something better than you are. Of course they want their taxes, because for some reason they can tax anything and it be “legal.” Ban government from your mind as a solution, the more you press on government to be the solution, the more you just take away choice from others. Arbitrary is defined as: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. Arbitrary laws are only a means that you think you get what you want, then others have to figure ways around those laws. We only restrict ourselves when looking to the government for solutions. They don’t have solutions and as I have stated before, government is defined as: the action or manner of controlling or regulating a nation, organization, or people. Or the system by which a nation, state, or community is governed. Or the group of people in office at a particular time; administration. Nowhere in the definition of government is it for the good of the people. Control is the agenda. Bangov is the pursuit of the individual. You decide to rely on the government, or yourselves. Bangov Actual, out.
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