Awareness is defined as: knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Knowledge of anything does not make you an expert, we can all agree on this, but I’m sure I will get one of you morons to disagree with me. Which is OK as long as you can express your thoughts intelligible and without being triggered, then I’m happy to listen to you. Awareness is something that when a particular group of people gain an understanding of the cause they have either read or had someone tell them about in a tweet, then they choose sides and now they think they have an enemy. Anyone who disagrees is either a racist, or rich, or white, has privilege..etc..etc. People tend to create definitions in their head, which is again why I write these the way I do. I go off my perception of the definition of a word, not my perception of what someone has told me a definition is, or what is believed to be a definition based on casual conversation. I tend to think of awareness as a means of communicating to others, either we need help, or is this something you’d like to be a part of. Awareness to me should never be a cause for the intended good, but that is forced upon others to join, and be mandated in order to avoid scrutiny from those who “feel” more compelled or have some personal connection with the cause. If people are trying to clean the earth, great, don’t scold them for not wanting to help fight against gang violence. How about you go your way, and I go my way. Together we can help make the world a better place if we just leave each other the fuck alone. Wanting people to join your cause without putting in the work, or without giving them the why, and I mean a real why. “If you don’t help us, you’re racist.” Or you stand against us, if you don’t stand with us.” Any sort of variations to these statements without facts, or at least a conversation without intent to scrutiny. Don’t waste your time or money, just walk away. Those who are very passionate, passionate being defined as: showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. Can be very effective in either creating havoc, defined as: widespread destruction, or if speaking intelligible defined as: able to be understood; comprehensible. They can lead many individuals to believing in the same cause. For what you feel strongly about, don’t ridicule those who don’t feel the same way. You have your way of life, and they have theirs, that includes what they deem worthy of spending their time on in all aspects of life. Bangov Actual, out.
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