Life is one big contradiction. What I mean by this is getting where you have to go in life is not always as easy as going for the gold, or climbing the corporate ladder. A contradiction is defined as: a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another, Or a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present. So we as a people are highly involved in the contradictions of life. Court battles, opposing ideas, or even the inconsistencies we put ourselves through. We decide a certain path for us, and we end up going another way entirely. Nothing wrong with that, that is kind of why I am writing this. Hell Michael Jordan played baseball, so really anything is possible at this point. The Island Boys are famous, so just goes to show just what can be accomplished while on a certain path. Not saying it is easy, as I never will, but I have just come to terms that I may never be satisfied with one pursuit. I like to work. I like to continuously have things to do. Which of course is a contradiction of me as well having dreams and aspirations of having a life that I no longer have to work for anymore. Definitely hard to picture myself not working ever. I personally would get bored on a beach. I’ll enjoy a couple drinks, maybe 4 or 5 but the point is that I will have reached a moment of clarity in mind that this is not real. It is a fabrication of reality that anyone could be anywhere doing anything for the rest of their life and be truly “happy. ”Happy” or happiness is defined as: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment, or having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation). Life is constantly in motion, so to be happy is only for as long as the mind allows. For some of you, you just keep drinking and want to live in that world forever. We’ve all been there, and man is it fun, but reality must set in and keep you on your feet in order to keep life interesting, or as I said, ONE BIG CONTRADICTION. Then you have those who are going for the gold. We all remember steroids right? People still use those things? Makes your dick smaller, which everyone sees as a huge oversight. Would probably stop there if you told me that. “Any side effects doctor?” “Yes it will make your package shrivel like two raisins and an Oscar Meyer Weiner whistle.”…”hmmmm, maybe not for me.” Words I always have said to myself are “always look for the contradictions.” These don’t necessarily have to be consequences. Sometimes they are just underlying situations that may dictate which direction you take. Point being is you can try as hard as humanly possible to earn the right to wear gold, and still a month before let the fear set in and be doing steroids to make sure that your time has not been wasted. Don’t lie to yourself and try to remain at the top when the top is just a fabrication of happiness. You make it there, great, just don’t try and stay there forever if you’re going to destroy other parts of yourself. Contradictions don’t have to catch up to you, they are already ahead along the way. Bangov Actual, out.
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