Belief vs trust, to believe those who you let into your life is a maze of twists and turns that cannot be expressed through the written word. Ups and downs, that between 2 people have a shift, a paradigm of human interaction, actions, and exchange of phrases in order to further connect each other’s existence through a given period of time. Though on the surface you may have many acquaintances, and everything may look great on the top. You must ask yourself for those you want close to you, do you believe, or do you trust these people? Another common misconception that people do not communicate towards those they wish to be closer to. In creating a stronger bond with others we must share vulnerabilities, experiences and ask for their opinions on the matter. If you don’t feel as if someone’s opinion is of any worth to you, then why keep them around? Maybe they are younger, have done things in the past that you don’t feel as if they are the best person for you to ask advice about a particular situation. Belief is defined as: an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Belief is the mind telling your body that it is OK to enter, or what can be transferred to a physical response in knowing things are safe. To trust is defined as: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. To trust someone as a reliable source of guidance or even perspective for the long term. That is what makes trust and belief so different. Ladies and gentlemen reading, though your significant other tells you they never went home with that person from the bar. Maybe you believe them, but does history or evidence tell you that they are trusting, that they will never put themselves in that situation again? Cheating is an easy way for me to communicate this to you, but what about a harder example. What if I was to tell you to believe in yourself? It is all the praise right now for life coaches to tell you to believe in your potential, abilities. What about trust? Do you believe for a week that you will keep yourself on track in order to find and commit to your own pursuit? Or do you not trust yourself for the long term of committing to what you feel deep down is what you were meant to do? Say to yourself that you believe in what you are doing, but you don’t trust. If you don’t believe that then you must trust and have more confidence in your ability than you were led to believe by yourself. Believing is achieving, meh, seems outdated, If you trust you must. If you trust then you have a soul purpose of responsibility of seeing it through. A belief can waver, to trust is more reliable, all you must do is commit. Bangov Actual, out.
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