Worry, worry is defined as: give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. Pay attention to the words being used. If to worry is allowing yourself to do anything, then knowing you have the ability to manipulate your own worry, you may just worry for the right reasons, or even utilize worry, instead of letting it control you. Your difficulties or troubles can only be managed by you. So you need to take into consideration the power you possess of your own emotions. You may SUCK at it now, but the day to day of consciously pushing yourself makes you more and more resilient to variable change happening around you. Of course it is stressful, it is wear and tear on the body and your consciousness. You have to condition yourself to being the constant that you wish to perform at. Not saying you have to hit the gym. Mentality is the game. Why wouldn’t anything else be different? Look I have had my share of failures, which is why I am 30 talking out into the ether. Come on laugh, it is OK to be brutally honest with yourself. At least I have an audience though. A lot of you scream, cuss and question out into the ether out of fear, anxiety, loss and you feel like you’re alone. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. Bangov grows everyday. More and more views of those like you who are not alone. The community is growing, the message is being spread, maybe not even through word of mouth but through actions taken by those who have read. Every day those who read are doing things to change their way of life for the better. You should as well, reader or not. Worry is a very powerful word that has the ability to affect a lot of people. Worry about money, job, family, worry about worrying. Like a lot of things I like to discuss in my blogs, people are talking to you but have never communicated what these words effectively mean. Effectively meaning how they affect your confidence, your identity, and your worth. To have the “power” to affect your mood. Power is defined as: the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality. Power is another bullshit term people have been throwing around. Like it is this magical, mystical entity that we need to possess in order to make changes for ourselves. When you break it down, defining the word power seems less heroic. You don’t have to be more powerful than a locomotive, leap tall buildings, or even overcome the SAME FUCKING ORIGIN STORY in every movie. You have the ABILITY, ability is defined as: possession of the means or skill to do something. OR talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area. I have written this before and it will be written again, go with the path of least resistance when it comes to your ability in making a way of life for yourself. What are you good at, what is your talent. When you realize what that is, you’ll worry less or you’ll worry the same, you just will have the “POWER” to act accordingly. Bangov actual, out.
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