Why is it that words have become the focus of how we view people. Is it because we are still children underneath and think to ourselves that he or she hurt me so they deserve punishment? What makes you so special? Why does someone saying something as a joke have repercussions? Don’t care if it racial, or about an illness. Unless deliberately with the intention of harming someone, why is it that as ”adults” we can act in self righteousness like we have all the answers, and the second that we are offended, the real child comes out. Is it that we don’t take enough time to practice our emotions? Are we so consumed with movies and soap operas that we think we have to act in a certain manner? We have to put on a show, scream nonsense, cry, and try and convince the other person that what they said was wrong. Don’t assume they care, that is probably why they said what they said. If meant to harm then they probably care less. If you are one of those people who think we need to have a speech police to arrest the bad men and women who say mean things then life is going to be really tough for you. As it should because you refused to grow up and accept that people don’t have to be nice to you. They don’t have to be nice to you, they don’t even have to respect you. Yet you still think that the world was meant for you, and you think that if someone offends your sensibilities that they should be put on trial for murder in the first degree. Or is it 3rd, whatever, it is all the same that you think to yourself you are so special to say if anyone offends you.
I WILL ADMIT, not every joke even has to be funny, some people suck at telling jokes, which is really just more insulting to the joke itself, which i find offensive. Not that I will call the safe space police, but as an activist for those of the comic relief I do disdain a lack of commitment to the art of comedic relief. If you are to be offended by this blog then just understand that I say this with conviction that we as a people will say and do things in a matter of opinion, which if you remember everyone is entitled to. So that being said coming from a place of entitlement words may seem…well entitled, like they are said only to benefit those whose mouth they come from. I know I know it is crazy to think that someone may say things that would only benefit them. No, it is not a privilege when you can say the same words. Be strategic in how you speak and as well if you do come across the diabolic feeling of an offensive state, then either understand the feeling will pass, laugh about it if in a comedic environment, brush it off because it is not worth your time to engage in confrontation and make a bigger deal than is necessary. Basically the best advice I can give in addition to building a bridge and getting the fuck over it.
Not saying you can’t get offended, but just realize that your feelings don’t rule the world. You could even change your environment, friends or places you hang out at, but what does sheltering yourself from certain emotions do for you. Feeling anger and not knowing how to deal with it has a sense of emotional immaturity. Whatever you feel, become familiar with different emotions, especially those that cause trouble for yourself. Bangov Actual, out.
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Website: ban-gov.com