A simple pleasure in life is being able to educate, or inspire others. When you tell others about what they can do to make money, to build themselves a business. I mean a business for themselves. Not a ponzi scheme, or a get rich quick scams. I mean telling someone who knows very little about how money works, and telling them to go to a bank and take out even 100 dollars and say how could you double this? They say I don’t know. I ask “what do you have?” They say, “what do you mean?” SKILLS PEOPLE. What is it that you are good at? What’s interesting about the question, “how do I double my money?” What nobody tells you is that it is harder to double 100 than it is to double 1000 dollars. Of course you could buy 100 things for a dollar and sell them for 2 dollars. Seems easy, but what that takes away from you is your time. Having a 1000 dollars to invest may put you in a bigger debt but the potential is greater. Once more it really comes down to your thinking, and how creative you can get based on the skills you have. When I tell people to take out a loan they are terrified. Remember you don’t have to take out the loan and pay it back tomorrow. So what it means to take out 10,000 dollars gives you time to think of what you’re going to do to pay off the loan and make a profit. Of course I would recommend finding the business idea before a loan is taken out. I’m no financial advisor but I have taken out many loans and have always paid them off, just takes confidence in yourself that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to pay off the loan. Ironically that is what the bank, or credit union is hoping as well. For those of you who have that dream, and have just never thought you would have enough capital in order to make it come true. You thought you had to have a better job, or have more money in order for it to be possible for you to start your dream. Reality is you’re unaware that you can either ask a bank for the loan as I have done many times, or an investor. Someone who believes in your dream as well. If the excuses continue, it’s really because you don’t believe in yourself enough. Bangov Actual, out.
Email me: info@ban-gov.com
Website: ban-gov.com