It’s the little things people usually notice in order to judge you. We all say we don’t care for what people think about us, and yet we still think to ourselves that we want to do something that makes people look at us.So is it that we don’t care what people think, or is it that we don’t care what people think of us until we get to where we want to go? When we get there, are we still looking for approval, are we going somewhere else so we don’t need it till we are where we want to be again? This is hard for me to word so just let me ramble for a bit while I get this out. Is it in moments of pause that we find comfort in approval. Focusing on the negative of course won’t get you where you want to go. If people didn’t have fans, would movies sell? When you accomplished something, would you want someone there to see? Would you want your family there for when you went to prison? Stop lying and saying that you don’t’ care what people think. What about your son or daughter? When they grow up, would they be proud of you? Would you care if they were? Been thinking a lot of 3 people. Who I am, who I want to be, and who people see. I am a big fan of angles, and the battle that they can win with just the right amount of leverage. To think of my future self is only a worry when I feel I am making poor choices, or headed in the wrong direction. Who I want to be is continuously under construction so my mind goes there in between choices I have made. I picture myself one way one day, then another day I have another image. Can never pinpoint who you want to be in life when you have as many ambitions as I do. Mind is a constant, so when I tend to find myself in between moments, taking a breath, or just a thousand yard stare, then a glimpse of who I wish to present to the world becomes a little clearer. I won’t tell you who to be, but with that fire I know is inside you, bring to life what is burning inside. Who you choose to be is all a matter of the company you keep. Who you want approval from. This is why people sometimes tend to resemble those they seek approval from. They either wear the same uniform, have beards, or tattoos. In any case the bond you feel between individuals who idolize a man or woman who has done what they wish they had the courage to accomplish. In my opinion, what separates them is someone just had the courage, determination and will to follow through with what they pictured themselves as. Never mind fame, it is more of a feeling that well this life can end at any time, might as well dream as big as I can and go for that. Don’t forget that you still have the ability to dream and that is what will separate you from who you are and who you wish to be. Don’t accept that everything will be the same in 5 years. Constant change and willingness to improve is what it takes to keep things moving in the right direction. Don’t get complacent in your accomplishments. Of course celebrate if you would like. Just remember tomorrow, the work starts all over again. Bangov actual, out.