Unexpected turns no matter which way they go have an affect on you and your way of thinking. Don’t let this be a make it or break it moment, your dream, or mission has not changed and don’t let anything change it. No matter your decisions, each road you take may feel like a long way, but you have to keep moving either way. As long as you maintain a positive mental attitude then even opportunities disguise themselves as steps backward. Hunt for your opportunity. Look at the whites of its eyes and find the fear brewing under the surface. When you are able to change the dynamic of the eyes, the soul will change the intent of what it was bred to do. Turn a fighter into a runner, make something that flies hide in a hole. Take all that life has to offer, all that life does is push you in the direction it wants. Stop thinking you are in control. You are only in charge of certain outcomes, death is inevitable so don’t think life will be perfect the way you planned it. You will just be miserable in another form. Plan of attack is a hell of a lot different than you planning who you choose to be in this life. Taking charge of your life means that you shape it into what you want no matter what is dropped on your doorstep. When in a state of anxiety, or hyperventilation, it is the perfect time to develop who you are. You will make mistakes, but don’t let the fear of making them stop you from moving. Punch, kick, scream and fight your way out of a paralyzing feeling of someone or something making you feel inferior. Do not be a slave to your feelings. Freedom is defined as: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Also defined as: absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. Their is a reason why I didn’t call my website freedom fuckers or some lame ass name derived from a word that has been so overused that people never have even thought of looking up what it actually means. They only have their twisted representation that has been passed on from one idiot to the next. Freedom this and freedom that. No issue with the word, the word is harmless, but people never thought to sell it in a way that was beneficial for the individual. It was always left vs. right. Well Bangov is all encompassing. It is whatever you choose it to be. Encompassing is defined as: surround and have or hold within. Your life decisions are yours. So don’t let the weight of your decisions break you. Think positive and become stronger to hold them up. My personal prerequisite for this life is don’t keep anyone else from their pursuits. Bangov Actual, out.
Email Me: Please email through your personal email, not through the website. That system under construction, I know a guy. Info@ban-gov.com
Website if you dare: ban-gov.com