Eye on the ball, we are all so distracted with social media now, I’m guilty of this as well. As you look closer to what is being sold to you. Remember everything is a salesmanship, everything is being sold to you, even a like or a comment makes people money on Instagram now. So the time you have invested into someone else for the past hour has been great for them. Has it been mutually beneficial for you? Of course I am not saying that people don’t have beautiful pictures, and I am guilty of looking. Just sometimes I tell myself I have to not look at these sorts of things until night time. Maybe while a movie is in the background, looking for inspiration. I will find myself flipping through things and also have to tell myself NO. DO NOT GET ANOTHER HOBBY. Don’t just be doing these types of things because you’re bored. Sounds pretty lame and this is why people don’t always want to work on themselves or the project they intended to start years ago. I can think of a million reasons to not be typing or thinking where I want to travel. A million reasons to distract myself from doing what I need to be doing in order to get where I want to in life. I find myself feeling for the people trying to do the same thing in the picture. Are they really happy, or is this work to them? Is this them being happy, no idea what is going on behind the curtain. I tell myself, good for them, but what about me? It is OK to be selfish, so for me to be that way I minimize my time spent on things that are other people’s happiness and focus on my own. Looking at pictures constantly is not going to make the reality of it any more true than the couch you are on. People always tell me, I need this, it is going to help me, and they are on Instagram for 2 hours. Keep lying to yourself, you have done nothing for yourself, and it is not helping you to think what if, what if. You’re a dreamer and not a doer. Keep dreaming all you like but that is just you lying to yourself that you’re getting closer. Interesting enough, I can help with that. Instead of looking at multiple pictures. Choose 1. One picture of where you would like to go. Print it out, frame it if you would like. Put it on your wall and devise a plan in order to make it a reality. Then don’t look at any other picture. Just the one you printed out. Eye on the ball, keep that picture in sight before you go to bed and when you wake up. You now have affirmations you no longer have to write down. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then you have one right by your bed. See what it does to you. Don’t look at your phone in a million places you can never will because you won’t even choose one to go to and stick to it. One picture, just stare at it till you fall asleep. I know guys I am a lot of fun. I’m a dream killer because dreams are why so many of you are miserable. You have so many dreams and you never think you want to make them come true so that you get over the fact that dreams are just things you’re missing out on in life. So one picture, and nothing else until it is achieved. Scatterbrained with so many things you want to do and see, you’re not going to be able to do everything in life, so just pick a few that may make you content with the life you had. Eye on the ball. Bangov Actual, out.
Email me: info@ban-gov.com
Website: ban-gov.com