Emotions are very slow, we usually wait for when it feels right. What we forget is there is a warm up period to where when you go through with the first few reps, then pause. You realize, your body just needs a few reps to get into the groove of things. You never think about going to work, 9-5, sometimes 12 or 14 hours a day and thinking I need to warm up. You yell at yourself, you have to be there and this has to get done. Or you are fired, you get let go from the job and they find someone else. Has nothing to do if you can handle the job or not. You know you can do it because you’ve been doing it for 6 months or longer. What you are afraid of is when you are trying to create something for yourself, nobody is there to keep you accountable other than yourself. You won’t fire yourself even though you probably should. You’re not getting paid getting a business off the ground and you still think money should be the incentive for you to continue what YOU CREATED. You’re entitled and you just need to think everyday if I do it for 5 min, I’ll be warmed up to it and I’ll be able to push on for hours. Warm yourself up to what needs to get done today. Set goals if you’d like, it doesn’t really matter if you achieve them, you’re not going to fire yourself. The incentive should be that in 5 years you’re going to wish you worked hard the past 5 years and nobody will be to blame. Incentives are a great way to put a fire under your ass and get you moving. Motion creates motion so just start walking and just maybe you’ll start running. On a cellular level when cells begin to move, they start to create friction, friction means heat and heat means fire. Step by step, one foot in front of the other, whatever you have to tell yourself to get your fat, lazy, hangover of drugged up ass to get moving just know it starts with the warm up. Do push ups, go run, squat thrusts, SEX, incentive for you and your partner to get up, be a team in getting up and conquering the day. Bangov Actual, out.
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