Asking questions is one of the hardest parts of learning. You may not know what questions to ask. It is only questions you can ask through what has already been learned that really will make sense to you. Almost like if I showed you how to screw in a light bulb only then would you ask how it works, where are the wires, and how long will it last. I have found myself most interested in learning more when I am doing that thing. It is how my mind is able to see what needs to be asked, that the question is formed and I can proceed with getting better at something. Writing, or blogging, whatever you want to call what you’re reading is something more and more everyday I find myself getting better at. Not the typing itself. I’m slow as shit at that. The gathering of ideas is what has helped me. Typing them out is just what my fingers are being told to do by my mind that is constant with expression in order to communicate the world as I see it. To make a sandwich I need bread. What is bread? What is it made of, where does it come from? All questions for me derive from actions that have been set in motion. When I have thought of schools I have went to I look back and always have asked in every subject, “why the fuck do I need to know this?” Always for months being beaten over the head with information I have never been able to utilize because I wasn’t sure where it was to be implemented. Biggest issue I have with our education system is it is controlled by the fear of not getting sued. Always have started with either a safety class. Which I agree with when being near harsh chemicals or things that may be hot. You learn to not touch them. Education doesn’t start with all the precautions of life. You don’t sit your child down when they are 18 and tell them everything that could go wrong when they say they want to become a doctor. We are not worried about them suing us. Which is why we teach them as they grow. We monitor them and through time we develop an awareness of what is hot, or bad for us. We learn through experiences as well. Someone has shown us that the stove is hot. Someone has shown us that we don’t drink for various reasons. When you’re in a classroom they tell you to read about things you have never seen or touched just so they can say they told you so and avoid a lawsuit. Even worse, you have to figure out how to pull a question out of your ass, or for you Christians, thin air, about something you have never seen, touched, heard or tasted. You’re essentially remembering words for the first couple months and concepts only come after when you have proved you are not a liability through taking a test you just know the words matched with each concept. Then when that person burns a hand, cuts fingers off, everyone goes welp, we told them so. Absolutely no efficiency and no way of correcting the problem. Remember intelligence is defined as: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Can only be upset with someone for doing something wrong when they have actually done it the correct way. Not just read it in a book or be told. Lazy teaching sickens me. Bangov Actual, out.
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