What happens when you work a 9-5? Your bills are all paid every month, all your expenses managed. You’re comfortable in your life and how it is now. A little time goes by when you get in your nice car, go to work and you realize that you have not moved up or done anything in a few years. Ambition sets in. Ambition is defined as: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. We know that hard work is coming. You already know you have to continue on another consistent path, or if you prefer, a persistent path in order to achieve whatever next level vision you have for yourself. Only takes a moment to make the decision and will take maybe another year or 2 of your life depending on the endeavor. Could take 20 years. What is really amazing is that we still have that as a person. If that is to be channeled into our relationships. Goals as a couple, goals at work, with your kids. Then life as you know it gets better with time, or at least you focus on the things that mean most to you and those will never be “perfect” but with your persistence they will be long lasting joy. More importantly we will teach the generation after these types of morals and type of work ethic as a way of life, not just because I told you so. That way no more when the military go to fight they won’t ask what they fight for anymore. They will see clear as day what they are trying to protect and not be sold the lies that have been used over and over again. Cheap trigger words, like freedom, liberty, and “Democracy.” For fuck sake people we live in a republic. Republic is defined as: a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. Familiar? well it should be. Every swinging dick and snatch on either side of the table, left, right, lazy rhino, these fuckers refer to us as a democracy. Democracy is defined as: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Problem that most of us have seen with Democracy is that it generally dissolves into chaos. Mob rule is initiated by a group of individuals and then they impose their will on elected officials till they get their way through imposing arbitrary laws on the rest of society. Which brings me back to my initial point is being the ambitious bunch I know you all are, you find ways around these laws in the most beautiful way. For example, no more bump stocks, not a problem, I’ll just get faster on the trigger. Shorter barrel length, no problem, just create a 300 blackout round designed off a 9 inch barrel, or purchasing an arm brace and legally classifying your rifle as a “pistol” or “firearm” hahaha you bunch of criminals. I love every single one of ya. Also for those of you who are not gun nuts, gear queers, rifle rats, ammo addicts, trigger riggers, examples I have for you are not wearing a mask, you put a thong over your face. Have an emotional support animal signed by your doctor, no more monthly pet fee on your rent. I LOVE AMERICA!!! Get out there you ambitious buffoons, Bangov Actual, out!
Email me: info@ban-gov.com
Website: ban-gov.com