Bad Days and good days are all going to depend on how you react to them. Take 5 minutes to collect yourself. I don’t mean just decide you’re going to have a good day when you’re not really thinking that in your mind like a psychopath. I mean really just take 5 minutes, and sometimes it may not be 5, may take 30 for your mind to dissolve whatever you got going on upstairs. Just don’t let it make decisions for you. You’re in a state of mind that won’t make any sense to anyone because you’re doing it in a heightened state of emotional distress. Distress is defined as: extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. Pain meaning it will pass, anxiety for any of those who have felt the effects, just takes time for your body to chemically reach it’s stability again. Everything passes with time. Biggest problem people have is ignoring it out of some mistaken apathetic disregard for your feelings in order to appear invincible to human nature. Perfect, I have heard, is that which does not need anything taken away from it. As always people like to create their own interpretations on what they think a word means. Perfect is defined as: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Even Perfect is something people fuck up on. When the definition is stated as desirable qualifications, who made the qualifications and why do they get to decide what Perfect is. You can see why it is so frustrating to communicate with people let alone telling yourself that your angry and you should maybe take some time to dissolve these emotions in your head till you’re more in a clear state of mind. Don’t think of it as controlling yourself. Think of it as mastering your emotions in order to be ready for your enemies. Bangov Actual, out.
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