You feel like you’re losing your mind. Trying to reinvent the wheel. When you’re dreaming big it is always going to be more work. Don’t compare your success, it is your own and it will never be like someone else’s. If you have the same look, hair, car, house as someone you admire, great. Just don’t compare yourself and think you are a failure if you don’t have those things then you’re doing something wrong. Also this is not me saying to be yourself bullshit. Nobody is good enough as themselves unless they are constantly trying to improve. Mommy does love you, but does want you to make something of yourself. We should all want our children. My hypothetical kids get 2 options. A ball or a book. Either they are really smart or very good at sports. It’s when the kid grabs the book and dunks like, “ya, kids not mine, wife definitely cheated.” Bahhaha calm the fuck down. If you’re offended by my hypothetical family jokes I make then please get off my site. Get’s really exhausting having to remind people of that. I created a social media for fuck sake and you want me to cater to those who can’t answer the simple question of do they like dick or vagina? Or are you confused which one is which? My favorite is pan sexual, always sounded like a kitchen orgy to me. Now as someone who does not want to judge, or provoke, because that is not the intent of Bangov, and not the intention of my blogs. I’ll offend everyone til we’re all on the same page. Can you see how that may seem stressful, or seem like a full time job keeping up with who gets offended for what. I say all are welcome, and if you have a dick, vagina, or identify as another species of animal, so be it. Those are personal thoughts I don’t particularly care to be a part of. I am more interested in your way of life and how you choose to provide for yourself, family and how you treat others in your community. I am a HUGE advocate for close communities. Community being defined as: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. I’ll extend that to communities where businesses thrive off the environment around it. People that go to a bar because it has great dancing, food, wine selection. Friday nights keep businesses open. Not just bars and restaurants, but this is a part of the workforce way of blowing off steam. Of course those who work through Friday I applaud you and your commitment to the company. Even though that is something to admire about Friday nights, employers see who is putting in the extra effort and staying late to make sure shit is getting done. Health of a community depends on people being able to go out and experience the people around them. Go to a concert, see an opera, I like seeing a ballet just as much as the next guy………just me? OK fine, we all have our different flavors in life. Next bar room brawl, invite me, and next nutcracker or romeo and Juliet that is in town we’ll go and If I see you cry drinks are on you. Bangov Is a push back on government overreach in order to stimulate economic growth through entrepreneurial means. No race, creed, gender, or sexual orientation required. You just need to have a desire to better yourself and be open to conversation because I guarantee you those who disagree with one another can still learn and benefit from one another. Talk reinventing the wheel. The problem for me was that it was broken so long ago that nobody knew where to start. So I am starting with each person individually. Just up to each of you to want to welcome Bangov as a part of your community. Nice because I don’t have to go anywhere. You come to me. So Welcome. Bangov is Community, Bangov Actual, out.
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