Money will never be enough. With more money you will want more things. Turn that part off in your brain and you will do more with less. Doing more with less will eventually turn your money into purpose instead of looking at money as more than others can handle. Money is just a tool, but just as any other tool, a rifle, or a pen that others take for granted or do not see a specific use. In your hands people will no longer look at money the same when it comes from you. Your job is to inspire others to see money differently than what they have been taught. Everyone has been taught wrong. The many of our public school system. They will teach everything that is meant to keep you compliant, and yet nothing that stimulates a different perspective. No matter, teachers don’t care enough to even care for their numbers. They also get to justify if the assignment was done to the liking based on their political affiliations. So the education of money is never discussed, especially for a teacher who makes less than some of the kids they are teaching. Kids blogging, or playing video games on YouTube and this “math teacher is going to tell me how to survive in the real world. I am convinced each generation finds a better way than the last. What kills me and I QUOTE, “these kids just have no respect for their elders”, AND WHY SHOULD THEY!!! Seeing their parents struggle, they will do anything to fight it and stray away from the shit life you so want to sell to them. As an advocate of hard work I can’t hate your parents for being tough, or at least wanting to beat your ass when you get out of line. They are convinced if you don’t do things exactly as they do it then you will have a harder time than they did. They think the hard work they have put into the same job for 30 years is the way to be because that is what their parents taught them. Also that generation was more scared than the last. Old school teaching, smack a kid upside the head type days. I miss them too, the ass whooping I got I will cherish till the end of time. Everything has it’s trade offs though. Of course softer parents are having rich kids who kill themselves because they have never dealt with the harshness of life before. Don’t know how to handle life without a pursuit. They think, “well I’m rich, nothing else to live for.” Those who have had it from rough parents just want to work themselves to the bone. Respectful, but have forgotten how to dream. They are beaten into a compliance that they got from their parents. When I say money will never be enough, I mean give me a billion dollars tomorrow, I will learn to make 2 billion with it. Lifelong pursuits give your life meaning and everything else around it will become your identity. Close your eyes and shut everything out. Then open them and set your feet on that drag strip and go 100 miles an hour chasing something that nobody can give you. Not your parents and absolutely not your teachers. Not saying they can’t help you along the way, but teachers must be utilized, not relied on. Focus on the pursuit, and dream big because literally it will be your life’s work. UNLESS MULTIPLE PURSUITS IS YOUR GAME. I can respect that, I am too scatterbrained to just do one thing. Find one and if others catch your eye then, just more fun and learning experiences. Do what you love. Bangov Actual, out.
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