Loyalty is defined as: the quality of being loyal, or a strong support or allegiance. What do you know about loyalty other than it means a long time. Some will think of it that way even before they are loyal to something or someone. What is interesting about loyalty is it is only met with time. When someone is first introduced to what they may have to commit to, they have either a yes or no in their head that tells them to go forward with what they already have done or they will continue on into the abyss of finding something else to commit to. What brings loyalty to others? Why am I committed to protecting, or feel a sense of pride in knowing I would be there if they were in need? Friends, family, coworkers, all groups of people trying to come closer together in order to create something real. Within these groups you have hierarchies. You have those that have either started the group, company or family. They are usually older and have worked themselves to the bone to get where they are. Then that man has his pit bulls, his guard dogs that are equally as hard working trying to get to where the man they have been loyal to is right now. Then you have the workers, who are either new, or in search of something to be loyal to. These are those that get pushed around, hazed, teased, tried and tested to see if they really want to be a part of the group. They are tested on just how much thinking they have done before they got to this point. Pit bulls are always wondering if they have really thought about being a part of this group. How much do they want it, and have they even worked a day in their life that brought them to this decision? Or is it arrogance that has brought them to this decision and they think just because they believe it, without work that they can make it here. The pit bulls are designed to break you, designed to make you not want it anymore. Those who still want to be there and have put in the work beforehand are usually going to stay because they want to stay. They want to be a part of this family that has pushed them. Then when they are accepted, loyalty begins day 1. You get to see the transformation from what you molded into being one of you to someone you don’t want to leave. They are now an investment, someone you have put time and money into making a part of your vision to move forward. Sooner than you think you will depend on them. That is the other side of loyalty, is someone is dependent on you being there and doing the work. Loyalty has to come from both sides of the hierarchy for it to be a solid foundation. Trust is built over time, then with the right team you feel unstoppable. What scares people most about loyalty, they are afraid of how long it will take. Not many are willing to sacrifice years for the unknown. The point of this blog is that not many people are willing to be loyal to even themselves. Think of something scarier than knowing how far you are willing to push yourself. Be loyal to yourself, it is one of those lifetime commitments. Be your own pit bull, putting yourself through trials and tribulations in order to prepare yourself for the real tests. Life is the ultimate test, don’t procrastinate, tests can come at any time. Bangov Actual, out.
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