Ever been hungry before? Ever thought it through? I don’t mean for an hour so you can finish typing something up, or finish with a business call. When you’re hungry you have 2 options. Light snack to keep you going or just eat a big meal and hope it holds you over. Ignore your hunger for a little longer then it goes away. Don’t worry, it will always come back. Hunger never seems to be something we worry about. We never worry about the things that trigger a warning. You essentially are cutting out the middle men. You are not really worried about being worried. Yes I know this is very wordy, but really the only way I can describe it. Worry is defined as: give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. To give way into what we know is not the solution to a problem. So why do we do it? My opinion of course is that those who avoid problems at all cost will inevitably face something that is out of their expertise. They have never really molded the mind into thinking that it can face anything that comes its way. Of course it may be hard, but then again isn’t that the point? That is also the definition as a verb. As a noun the definition of a worry is: a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems. So we as people choose to feel a certain way based on no certainty at all. If you’re 100% confident about what is going to happen, then of course you have the right to worry. What makes me tingle is those who usually know 100% are not usually the ones who worry. Usually because they have seen the consequences. When you know the layers that break down as mistakes are made you mitigate risk by preparation. Preparation is defined as: the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration. This is the issue I have with procrastination as well, I will get to that in another blog. So prepare, plan, act and make it so that worry is mitigated. Do it over and over again. Your problems will only progress as you continue on in life. Some “big”, some , ”small” which I still don’;t necessarily buy into anymore. Big problems vs little problems, what is the difference. I think it is a way of describing problems coming from someone who worries too much. If they get to define the language being utilized then the wrong message is being sent about how I should react to certain situations. I’m thinking, ya, not following that person. How they communicate inspires problems in the future will always be measured by how “big” or “small” they are and not seen as opportunity. The opportunity of an issue or problem in my opinion is to be looked at as a learning experience. Big or small, don’t care, what is the solution. Small problems lead to big ones, just may take more of them. This to me is how to make something of quality. Can something be done to move forward? Or are we stopping because it is too big of a problem? Or too hard? All these words are things we say to limit our progress. We are hungry, so maybe we should stop? Worry sets in. Then we have already made our decision to give up. For those reading and can’t read between the fucking lines, I am not saying don’t eat. It is just to get you to think about why we stop things. Big, small, problems are problems, just think of solutions. Maybe I should start using trigger words in my writing. I’ll start saying these “obese” problems are getting out of hand. Hey man we got a “Fat” problem here ;since we’re on the topic of not eating and some jackass will read this and think it is all about him. Well keep your rolls in your pants, no need to get all bloated over this. Problems require solutions, it is how I like to say the lock to your key. If I really cared about the obesity problem in this country I would tell everyone to stop eating and chase something that is meaningful to you. More meaningful than that cake you’re death staring while trying to eat this paper….See what I did there? NO, because you’re still looking at the fucking cake. Find a purpose that keeps you off your fat ass and you will see all things holding you back like they were circled with a sharpie marker. That is my philanthropy for the day folks, Stay hungry, Bangov Actual, out.