Watching kids be kids while you’re trying to get your haircut is all the entertainment I need. Their resilience as the older brother tries to assert his dominance with a close fist and brute force reminds me of my younger days. A barbaric way to live, I will admit it does not get you very far. Compliance is defined as: the action or fact of complying with a wish or command. Watching 2 little ones vs the bigger brother all came down the barber handing them a few lollipops. Instantly we had peace and quiet while they munched on them for as long as they lasted. Which begs the question: what are some things that we comply with as adults? This is not me telling anyone to break the law. This is asking what questions we ask ourselves that instill fear that have no consequence. Why does asking questions instill a fear that has been developed through a superiority complex? Does not matter their stature, if they just choose to not answer, or say “I don’t know” then what is the harm in the question? As adults we comply with things everyday that keep us in line. Also don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying don’t pay your bills, rent or pay off loans you chose to take out. You chose to have a higher car payment than you could afford, or a bigger house or if you’re under the impression you can’t live without your Netflix subscription, then please stop reading and get off my site. No room for those not willing to make sacrifices in order to rise above their problems. Most common problem I have seen with being compliant is nobody want to take the time to do research. Impatience drives them into a deeper hole. They want everything right now, and they want it without thinking could things be better? This also helps with delayed gratification. Besides the everyday essentials, and for some may be more than food and water, but besides that which you need to survive, what do we really need in order to succeed? In my opinion not much of anything unless what we are trying to succeed requires a purchase. If you learn to push aside the things you want for a little while. Let’s say a new PlayStation costs 300 dollars. Then you’re only tuned to the cost in front of you. When you are tuned to what could be made from a lifestyle change. Move some things around to create an avenue of income you could possibly buy one Xbox a month every month. The things you want and the things you need to do in order to get them are 2 different decisions. Video games are a cost, now you need to fuel that cost. Buying new games every so often, which you can afford now because you’ve created a stream of income for it. Same with a new car or truck. You need the gas and maintenance, maybe create a stream of income to cover those costs as well. Residual income, maybe a raise you’ve NEVER ASKED FOR. Change in your life begins with asking questions. It helps with giving you direction. Take the first step and don’t stop till you’ve found what you’re looking for. You may walk in circles, you may take left and rights, but you’re always going to be farther than those still deciding on if they should make a move. For those whose objective is to control other people’s way of life, I have something for you to suck on. Bangov Actual, out.